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Equipped with a visitor's badge and a branded bottle of Ferrari water, Penelope followed Mattia through the paddock, smiling politely at the mechanics and workers that whispered as she passed. 

There were cars and people everywhere. Outside on the track, the crowds were cheering as drivers raced past, trying to set the fastest time. Every now and then, Mattia would take a call on his cell or mutter words into his radio in rapid Italian, too quick for Penelope to even try to decipher. Behind her, still armed with a camera, Sally and her team followed her every move. In front of Mattia, a young woman no more than maybe nineteen snapped continuous photos on her phone. It didn't take long for Penelope to put two and two together to figure out she was probably the social media intern for the team. 

"Take a seat," Mattia encouraged, pulling out a chair for her. The area overlooked the track, the space lined with monitors and computers. It was loud and busy and filled with life, just they way she'd expected it to be. 

"You must be nervous," Penelope said, her eyes bright as she watched the cars zoom by. "First race of the season and everything."

"Ah, you get used to it," he mused. "I wanted to say how pleased I was to see that you and Charles are working out. He's a good boy. You seem to make him very happy."

Penelope nodded, trying not to look uncomfortable. "It's funny, isn't it? I never would have met him if it wasn't for that dinner party."

Mattia smiled. "Yes. Now you get to spend your weekends flying around the world! Things work out, no?"

"Well, I mean I won't be here every weekend. I work a lot, especially now with Nationals and filming."

"Of course, of course. But for now, we are glad to have you. A lot of my people are, well how do you say, big fans. They were wondering if you'd take a picture with them."


"Brilliant. After the session I'll call Charles in and we'll take a photo. Linda, you'll handle this, yes?"

The young girl with the phone nodded with an energetic passion, scurrying away to talk to the mechanics on the other side of the room. Penelope watched her go as Mattia tapped her shoulder.

"Look over there," he said proudly, pointing at a red car emerging from the pits. "That's our boy."

Penelope clapped and cheered as Charles drove past, the motion so fast that a breeze blew her hair away from her face.

"This is amazing," she breathed. "I never knew he was so amazing..."

"It's a beautiful sport, no? The team this year is strong, too. We could be looking at a championship win."

"He's that good?"

"Oh yes. That boy...he is something special. Brace yourself, Penelope. If all goes to plan, it's going to be a big year."


The next hour was a blur. Penelope's eyes were glued to the clock, watching the times come in as Charles fought for top spot. There was a split second of tense silence before the paddock erupted into a symphony of cheering, the ground vibrating as they jumped in celebration. People were hugging her and yelling and waving at the cars as they breezed past the windows. It the most cathartic, unanimous moment of joy that she'd possibly ever felt in one room. And it was fucking amazing. 

By the time Charles appeared, her cheeks were sore from smiling. He couldn't make it two steps without someone reaching over to hug him or pat him on the pack in celebration. When he finally saw her, their eyes meeting across a sea of red, his smile changed, and she thought he was going to explode from pure excitement. 

Within seconds, he'd lifted her off her feet, his arms tight around her body. She kissed his lips, his nose, his cheeks, laughing with uncontainable happiness. "You were amazing!" she said, kissing him again. 

"Did you watch?" he asked with an almost child-like desire, like the only opinion that mattered to him in the whole world was hers. "It wasn't even close. We could actually win tomorrow, Nelly. I can't believe it."

"I'm so proud of you!"

"Is this real?"

Penelope placed her hand on his cheek, turning him so he was facing the track. "It's real, baby. All of it."

From behind them, someone called their names. Mattia was waving them over, the girl from earlier standing with him. "Come, come. We should take a picture."

Charles looked to Penelope, waiting for her opinion. She squeezed his hand, nodding. This was a big moment for him, there was no way she was about to say no. 

"You want me to take it?" Penelope asked Mattia. "I don't mind."

"What?" he said, clearly surprised. "Of course not! Get in the middle, next to Charles. Carlos, go on the other side. Make sure you get the pole flag in there! Okay everybody, let's say cheese!"

Just as they were about to take the photo, Carlos shouted out a protest. "Mattia, get in here! It's not a group photo without you!"

There was a cheer of agreement as the team principle begrudgingly joined them, slotting in the centre. Charles and Carlos ended up either side, the sea of mechanics surrounding them. Charles's arm snaked around Penelope's waist, pulling her close as they all smiled on the count of three. 

"It's perfect!" Linda called, giving them the thumbs up. 

"Well done everyone!" Mattia called, clapping both Charles and Carlos on the back. "Now, off you go! Enjoy the rest of the day, but no partying. Tomorrow is a big day, hm? Don't waste this."

They didn't need telling twice. Charles slipped his hand into hers as he bounced towards the strip, still buzzing. Every so often she'd catch him staring at her, his eyes filled with a warm adoration. 

"What?" she asked, suddenly self-conscious. "You keep looking at me like I have two heads."

"I'm just so glad I met you, that's all. I promise you don't have two heads."

"Oh good," she joked. "I was starting to worry."

Suddenly, he pulled her to an abrupt stop, tucked away behind a concessions stand. His hands were warm as they held hers, his eyes serious. "I mean it. You're everything to me."

Penelope blushed. She wasn't sure how to respond, because there was no easy way to put into words the feelings she had for him. 'I think I'm in love with you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you' was a lot to put on a person. 

Instead, she just kissed him, long and soft and sweet. "I'm really glad I met you, too."


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