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"So you had a fight with your friend Logan," Charles asked down the phone as Penelope lay sprawled out on her bed, staring up at the ceiling. She had yet to go to bed, but if she didn't talk to Charles now then times zones meant that he'd be asleep by the time she was ready tomorrow afternoon. Besides, she was far too angry to go to sleep right now.

"Can you believe that? He's meant to be my friend, and he stood there and yelled at me in front of everyone. El hijo de puta!"

"I take it that wasn't a compliment."

"No. It's like he's punishing me for being happy."

"Maybe he's jealous."

"Don't be stupid. I've told you before, there's nothing between us."

"Yeah...look, it was a late night. Maybe he was just tired. He'll come around."

Penelope nodded as she picked at a thread on her duvet, although she wasn't so sure. In the background of the call, she could hear a chattering of voices like he was standing in a crowd. "Where are you right now?"


Penelope sat up straight, trying to remember their schedule. Charles wasn't meant to be leaving Monaco until the first race of the season, and that wasn't for a few weeks. "What? Where are you going?"

"To visit you. I miss you."

Penelope squealed so loud that the entire airport probably heard her excitement. "Are you serious? What about practice?"

"I can practice in LA. I can't see you in Monaco."

Penelope blushed as she hugged her knees to her chest. "You need somewhere to stay?"

"Ferrari has an apartment, I was-"

"You're staying with me, then. What time do you land?"

"Midday your time, probably."

"I'll be there. And this time, I'm driving."


"Got somewhere to be?" Jasper asked her the next morning, pointing to the clock hanging on the rink wall. "You can't take your eyes off that thing."

Penelope gave him an apologetic smile as she tightened the strap on her skate. They'd had a successful skate this morning, managing to finish their nationals routine without any major issues. "Sorry. I have to be at the airport for twelve, must just be on my mind."

"More travelling?"

"No. I'm collecting someone, actually." 

Jasper raised an eyebrow, skating past her to grab a bottle from the stands. "Really? Would your guest happen to be your mystery Monaco man, by any chance?"

Penelope shouldn't have been surprised. She knew Jasper had been suspicious about her love life since the morning after that first Ferrari dinner, and when she'd told him about her trip last week, it had been no different. "How do you know about that?"

"Well well, you finally admit it?"

"Alright! Fine, I've been seeing someone, but it's not official yet so please don't tell anyone."

Jasper skated back to her, making a heart shape with his hands. "Oh, look! You're blushing."

"I am not! I knew I shouldn't have told you."

Just as Jasper was about to tease her again, the doors to the rink swung open. Penelope stood up a little straighter, smoothing her hair. Carlisle walked the length of the stands, carrying a notebook and a strict gaze. He nodded to the both of them, beckoning them over with a motion of his hand. 

"I thought I sent you here to skate," he said calmly. "Not to stand around and chat."

"Sorry, man," Jasper said, still smiling. Penelope knew better, choosing to stand silently beside him. "Penelope was just-"

"If that sentence doesn't end with 'showing me how to land a perfect camel spin' then to put it simply, Jasper, I don't care. You have a matter of weeks until Nationals. Your solo routines are coming along nicely, but your pair? The moves are messy, landings are far from perfect and some of your techniques are downright embarrassing. You are both extremely talented skaters, so start acting like it." 

Both Jasper and Penelope developed a sudden interest in their feet. Carlisle stood with his arms folded, tapping his foot impatiently on the floor. "Do I need to tell you again?"

"No. We'll work on it," Penelope said. 

Carlisle sighed, but his posture relaxed, like his outburst had alleviated his anger at least somewhat. "Good. Now go on. I don't mean to be harsh, but this season won't be easy. The competition is tight this year and if I don't push you, you won't make it. Run through the routine again, this time, I'll be watching. No mistakes."


Penelope was glad when the end of practice finally rolled around. Carlisle made them perform the routine seventeen times, stopping them and making them restart every time they made an error. It was tiring and boresome, like writing lines in detention. He'd only dismissed them when they made it through without fault, but even then he still wasn't satisfied. It's good, he'd told them, but it's not good enough

Luckily for her, she wasn't late for the airport just yet. As long as there was no major traffic, she'd make it with plenty of time to spare. Despite her exhaustion, she walked with purpose, her mind buzzing at the thought of seeing Charles again. 

She'd just found her car keys from her bag when she heard a distant shout from behind her. When she turned, she saw Jasper running up to her, waving an arm above his head. 

"Wait up!" he yelled, jogging to a stop in front of her. "You got a minute?"

Penelope didn't have the heart to say no. "Sure. What's up?"

"I didn't get a chance to say earlier, but I'm happy for you. You've been smiling a lot since you met him, and I know you're gonna deny it, but I'm happy he makes you happy."

Penelope felt herself welling up. Jasper wasn't one for big sappy speeches, and for him to be making an struck her how lucky she was to have him as a friend. "Thanks, Jas," she managed, giving him a big cheesy grin. "That means a lot."

"Ah, don't go all soft on me. But if you are going to the airport, go through the back. Less cameras."

Penelope nodded. "Thanks."

"No problem. Have fun with your mystery man. Can't wait to meet him."


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