I think he's good for you

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Penelope blinked, hard, trying to decide if her brain was playing some cruel trick on her. Frankie couldn't just be standing there. He was still in rehab. That's why he hadn't called or text or replied to her letters. 

Mirabel looked between Frankie and Penelope, clearly confused. "Penelope, say hello to your brother."

Penelope couldn't bring herself to speak. She stood, frozen in place, so shocked that she felt like her heart might stop at any second. She could feel the eyes of everyone in the room locked on her. It was suffocating. 

Suddenly, she felt a hand brush against hers. Charles laced his fingers through hers, the touch enough to pull her back to reality. 

"Hi Frankie," she choked, gripping to Charles like he was an anchor tying her to the shore, the only thing stopping her from being swept away. 

Joe took the opportunity to take over, clapping Frankie on the shoulder. "Nice. Abuela, time for dinner?"

Mirabel still looked puzzled, but she nodded, gesturing to the table. "Si. Please, sit. Is everybody hungry?"

Nick grabbed a salad bowl from the kitchen island, putting himself between Penelope and Frankie. "Starving. This looks so good, Abuela."

Meanwhile, Penelope was still motionless. It was as though she'd been dropped in jelly, still alive but unable to move or do anything to free herself. If it wasn't for her boyfriend, she probably would have stayed like that for eternity. 

"Hey," he murmured to her, his voice fading in and out as she tried to focus. "Hey, look at me. Just look at me."

It took all her effort to drag her eyes to meet his, the contact sending a jolt of energy surging through her. He was her safe place, someone she could trust. Holding on to that gave her strength. 

"Tell me what you want to do," he said earnestly. "I'll follow your lead."

"My brother is here," she whispered, repeating the phrase that had been playing over and over in her head ever since she'd walked through the kitchen doorway. "And he didn't call me."

Charles nodded. "You wanna get out of here? We can go wherever you want."

As much as she wanted to say yes, to run away with Charles and forget everything else that was going on around her, she knew she couldn't. Frankie had been playing this game for years, and if she made a wrong move, she could lose him. She would sit at the table and smile, laugh at the jokes, act like everything was fine. Abuela couldn't know that Frankie had relapsed. Penelope would do everything she could to make sure that never happened. 

"No. We have to stay. Just...hold my hand, okay?"

Charles pulled her to him, pressing his lips against her forehead as one hand rested on the back of her head. "Always."


Dinner went just as expected. Penelope's brothers questioned Charles to no end, asking him about his childhood and his career. They spent ages talking about cars and their predictions for the season, before remembering they were trying to play the protective big brothers. Joe leaned in close to Charles, trying to square up, before asking what his intentions were with Penelope. 

"I made a promise," Charles said sincerely, "that I wouldn't hurt her. I intend to keep that promise."

Penelope's heart melted as she looked at him. For all the shitty things that were going on in her life right now, Charles was the one good, pure aspect. It was as though her Abuelo was watching out for her, pushing this perfect guy in her direction, picking him out just for her. 

"Leave him alone," Penelope said, shooting her brothers a look. "I can look after myself."

"Just looking out for our baby sister," Kevin insisted. "Didn't do that enough with the last guy. Won't make that mistake again."

Penelope dropped her gaze, her cheeks burning. She could feel Charles's eyes on her, searching for an answer that she refused to give. 

There was a period of uncomfortable silence, the revelation hanging in the air, souring the mood. Finally, Frankie brushed the crumbs from his lap and stood up, pointing to the door. "That was amazing, Abuela. I'm gonna get some air. Be back soon." 

Before anyone could stop her, or she could properly think it through, Penelope stood with him. "I'll join you."

Joe shifted uncomfortably in his seat. "Uh, Nell-"

But she was already gone, shrugging on a stray cardigan that had been abandoned on the coat hook and heading out the back door into the garden. It wasn't anything special - an overgrown jungle of plants and grass - but it housed more memories than Penelope cared to remember. Endless water fights, swing sets, and summer afternoons had taken place out here, and as she stood there three metres away from Frankie, she couldn't help but wish they were still the little kids who chased each other round in bare feet and straw hats. 

Penelope watched as Frankie pulled a packet of smokes from his back pocket, flicking the lighter a few times. He must have sensed her watching, because he waved the packet at her in a dismissive fashion. "Just cigarettes," he said plainly. "No need to call the cops."

She shook her head, her eyes sad. "That's not fair. You know that's not fair."


The paving stones were cold, but Penelope didn't care. She sat a few metres across from him, pulling the cardigan tighter across her body. "You didn't answer my calls. I sent you messages, too."

"I was busy. I had shit to sort through."

She stared down at her feet. "I was worried about you."

Frankie let out a long sigh, squashing his cigarette against the brick of the house before walking over to sit on the stone beside her. Up close, she was pleased to see he looked a lot healthier. His skin was less sunken and there was more light in his eyes, more like the brother she'd known when she was younger. 

"I'm sorry I didn't call you. To tell you the truth, I...I didn't know what to say."

"I thought you were mad at me."

"Oh, I was. But you set me that voice mail in Monaco and...it made me realise that I'd been a massive dick, lately. I haven't been the best big brother."

"Frankie, I don't care-"

He held up a hand. "You can't keep making excuses for me, Nell. I fucked up, simple as that. I'm gonna change, be better for you, I promise. I just wanted to say that I'm sorry."

Penelope stared up at him with big sad eyes. She'd heard this speech a thousand times, but she still fell for it, over and over again. She wanted to believe that he'd keep his word, that this time would be different. 

Frankie opened his arms, and she fell into them, hugging him tightly. "It's okay," she said quietly. "I'll help you, whatever you need. You have to get better Frankie, okay? For Abuela. She can't go through this again."

"She won't. I'm telling you, for real this time. I'm gonna go to meetings and put in the work. I swear."

Penelope nodded. "Abuelo would be proud of you."

At the mention of their grandfather, something in Frankie's expression shifted. He took on this faraway look in his eyes, like he was suddenly lost in the past, unable to drag himself out of it. Then, just as soon as it started, it stopped. "Thanks, Nell. Oh, and for what it's worth, I really like this Charles guy. The way he looks at you...he seems like a good guy."

"You really think so?" she asked hopefully, glancing back inside to where Charles was chatting casually with her family. She got a sudden glimpse of what a future with him could look like, Sunday dinners and family holidays, children running around their feet as they watched on proudly, together and in love for better and for worse. 

"Yeah. You smile when you're with him, like really smile. You never did that with Harry. I think he's good for you."

"Yeah," Penelope said with a smile, still watching Charles through the window. "I think so, too."

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