Run away with me

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To Penelope's surprise as she arrived at the track on the gloriously sunny Sunday in Azerbaijan, Will was waiting for them at the gates. She and Charles were early, his schedule for the day demanding that he be there in plenty of time, but it was nothing she wasn't used to. Normally, she'd go for a walk around the paddock or stop and chat with fans to fill the time, meaning she was used to being left to her own devices. Today, however, Charles seemed to have other plans.

"Hey guys!" Will said, giving Charles a fist bump and Penelope a happy smile. "Early morning, huh?"

Penelope's eyes flicked between her boyfriend and Will, trying to establish what was happening here. "Hey Will," she said, rather apprehensively. "I thought you had a strategy meeting?"

"I asked Will to come down," Charles explained. "To walk you through the paddock."

"Thanks. But I know my way around now, no? I've been to enough of these this year not to get lost."

"I know," Charles said lightly, placing his hand on the small of her back as if to reassure her. "Just thought you'd like some company, that's all."

Penelope nodded, not wanting to make Will feel uncomfortable. It wasn't that she didn't want him there or didn't enjoy spending time with him. He was, after all, her best friend at Ferrari aside from Charles. But at the same time, she liked her race day routine. It helped her to feel in control on a day where she had so little influence over what could happen to the person she loved.

"Sure," she agreed finally, standing on her tip-toes to kiss Charles goodbye. He hugged her, kissing her again before clicking his fingers like he was remembering something important.

"I almost forgot! I have something for you."

She raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Really?"

Charles nodded, holding his hand out to Will, who promptly handed him a small object that she recognised very well. "I had this with me this weekend. I thought that maybe you'd like to have it during the race."

Penelope's exterior crumbled as she took the gift from him, her lip quivering. "It's your kangaroo," she said in a small voice, staring at the stuffed animal like it was a precious art piece. She remembered giving this to him like it was yesterday, right after Australia. It was the first race she'd missed, and as an apology she'd given him a token to take with him so that she'd always be there, even if it wasn't necessarily in person. It melted her heart to know that he still took that little kangaroo with him even now.

"He has a name now," Charles said proudly, grinning like a little kid. "Meet Chuck."

"Chuck?" Penelope laughed unable to take him seriously. "Like the presenter called you in Miami?"

Charles nodded, a playful twinkle in his eye as he watched her. "Carlos chose it. He thought he was very funny. The whole paddock loves him now, he lives in my car while I'm doing media and then when I'm racing, the mechanics watch him. Yesterday, he was even sitting with Mattia on the pit wall."

"It's true," Will agreed, tapping little chuck on his furry nose. "He's not as chatty as you, P, but he does the job."

Penelope rolled her eyes as Will chuckled at his own joke. Beside her, Charles checked his watch, his expression falling as he noticed the time. "Shit," he muttered, his hand lingering on her shoulder. "I have to go. You'll be okay?"

"Sure. Have fun with marketing, hm? I'll see you later."

Charles kissed her goodbye before fist bumping Will again, giving him a stern but playful look. "Look after her, mate."

Will nodded, waving Chuck's arm in goodbye. "See you in the garage."

Penelope and Will went one way while Charles went the other. Even though it was early, the sun was already shining. She waved to a handful of eager photographers waiting at the gates, snapping pictures of them as she and Will headed towards the motorhomes.

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