Xavi what are you doing?

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Penelope had never seen Pascale as happy as when Charles crossed the finish line later that day in pole position. She jumped up and down, almost knocking Penelope off her feet with a hug as Lorenzo and Arthur cheered behind them. 

"That's my boy!" she cried, clapping her hands with excitement. "Superbe, Charles! Superbe!"

Penelope's cheeks hurt from smiling as she cheered Charles on, watching on the screen as his car rolled to a stop in first position. All that hard work had paid off. The hours he'd spent studying the track, memorising the corners, understanding his past mistakes. She was so full of pride she could have burst. 

"That lap was something else," Will told her, grabbing a team hat off the wall and fixing it firmly on her head. 

"It was good?"

"It was great. Your boyfriend is a fucking superstar out there."

Behind them, Pascale coughed pointedly, giving Will a look. "Language, William."

Penelope bit her lip, trying not to laugh as Will blushed. "Sorry, Mrs Leclerc. My bad."

On the screens around them, Charles was starting to get out of the car, his eyes bright through the visor of his helmet. He looked so happy that it made her heart hurt. Penelope loved those moments - watching him celebrating the wins rather than mourning the losses. 

"Hey P!" Will called to her, pointing out towards the track. "Get out there. If you go now you should just catch him before he gets pulled into the press ring."

Penelope looked to Pascale, checking for approval, though she shouldn't have bothered. Pascale practically pushed her out of the door, still bouncing with excitement. "Go, go! Tell him I said well done."

She didn't need telling twice. Still wearing the Ferrari cap, she hurried off onto the track, weaving her way through the crowd. When she reached the red sea, they parted for her, pushing her to the front where Charles was deep in conversation with his friend and competitor Max Verstappen. When he saw her, his eyes began to sparkle, breaking out in a broad smile. 

"You see that?" Charles called to her, saying goodbye to Max before running over to her, hugging her with so much force that her feet came off the ground. 

"You got pole!" she exclaimed, ruffling his hair and kissing his cheek. "In Monaco! I knew you could do it!"

"That was a good one for sure. You look really hot in my hat, by the way."

Penelope laughed as she pressed her lips to his, the press around them going crazy. "For you," she said, patting the top of his head as she placed his cap on his head. "Special delivery."

"Thank you," he said, kissing her again. Behind him, Penelope spotted his press manager checking her watch, her foot tapping against the pavement like she was starting to get impatient. She knew they were out of time, and that Charles had other places to be. The longer she kept him, the more trouble he'd be in, and he deserved to enjoy this day without a scolding. 

"I think you're needed elsewhere," she told him, prising his hands from her waist. Charles looked conflicted, like he wanted to stay, but Penelope shook her head. "We'll celebrate when you win tomorrow, hm? I love you."

"Yes, amore mio, we will. Love you. Oh, wait, before you go - you, me, my family - dinner tonight?"

"Whatever you want, baby."

"Italian? I'll be out of here by eight."

"Okay," Penelope agreed, smiling warmly at him as his PR manager pulled a face. "I'll see you at eight."

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