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"I can not believe we have to do this," Charlotte grumbled, shooting a death glare at Li and the rest of the producers who were huddled collectively around the viewing station. Luckily, they seemed too caught up in their conversation to pay attention to what their actors were saying and doing for now. 

"At least it's just rain," Penelope said, sitting as still as she could while her make up artist, Gigi, applied some last minute touch ups. "Remember that time we had to film in that weird mud bath? That shit stayed in my hair for weeks."

The memory didn't seem to help to improve Charlotte's mood. "That was the week that Peter broke up with me. I'm still convinced it was because I smelt like the inside of a garbage shoot for days."

Penelope have her a sympathetic look. "Peter was a dick, anyway. He didn't deserve you."

"Damn right. Speaking of boyfriends, I saw a lot of loved-up pictures of you this weekend! He's hot, I have to say."

Penelope couldn't help but smile at the thought of him. "You liked him?"

"You two looked adorable. I saw the video of him hugging you when he won. You guys look really happy, Nelly. Seriously."

Penelope could feel her cheeks burning, but deep down she was happy that Charlotte approved. In the past, she'd been very open about disproving of who she was dating. When Penelope's last boyfriend had cheated on her, Charlotte had been one of the first people to comfort her, but also the first to say 'I told you so.' 

"Thanks, Charlotte," she said. "Really. Means a lot."

Charlotte patted her leg. "You deserve to be happy."

In front of them, Li turned away from the monitors. Penelope and Charlotte's conversation trailed off as she strode towards them, notepad in hand. They were filming an important scene today, and Li was clearly passionate about staying on schedule.

"Girls," she announced as she came to a stop in front of them, waving Gigi away as Penelope sat up a little straighter. "We're starting in two minutes. Where's Logan, please?"

Instinctively, Li looked to Penelope. Under normal circumstances, that would have been justified, but as it stood, Logan and Penelope hadn't spoken properly since their fight in the carpark. They hadn't had to film together, their characters not interacting in the last episode, and so they hadn't seen each other. Charlotte had tried to encourage both of them to reconcile, but no matter what time of day she tried to approach, Logan walked away. Eventually, she'd just stopped trying. 

"I don't know," Penelope said honestly. "I haven't seen him all day."

That answer didn't seem to please Li. "Seriously? Charlotte, any suggestions?"

Charlotte looked uncomfortable, but she nodded. "He's in his trailer."

"Great," Li said bluntly. "I'll go fetch him then I want to start straight away. I only booked a few hours with the rain set and I want to get this shot in under ten takes. Let's go please people."

Without further discussion, Li marched off towards the trailers, her interns following closely behind. Charlotte stood rather quickly and started off towards the stage, Penelope almost having to run to keep up. 

"Hey," she called, finally falling into step beside her. "You spoke to Logan? Did he say anything to you?"

"Look, I'm not getting involved in whatever squabble you two are having. If you want to argue, do it with him."

Penelope grabbed her wrist, pulling them both to a stop just before the set. "I don't want to argue with anybody. Especially not Logan."

Charlotte was just as quick to pull her wrist free, giving Penelope a pointed look. "Maybe it's him you should be telling that to. Not me."

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