Chapter 2: You Have to Wake Up Soon!

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Back at home, Zhang Yue placed Lu San beside Lu Sheng and started to cook.

Lu San lay beside Lu Sheng and looked at her father's sleeping face.

"His eyes must be very beautiful!" Lu San could not help but guess.

She slowly sat up and felt the condensation of the blood essence in her body.

As a ten-thousand-year-old ginseng spirit, the blood essence in Lu San's body was still ten-thousand-year-old ginseng blood.

Her blood essence could cure all diseases, but it was very difficult to condense it...

Lu San had been working hard for a long time, and she felt that her blood essence could be condensed again soon!

She looked at the person lying on the bed and said to herself, "Dad! Don't worry! I will make you better!"

"Our family will be very happy!" Lu San thought and reached out her chubby little hand to touch her father's cheek.

Zhang Yue walked into the room and saw Lu San trying to "Communicate" with her father.

Zhang Yue poured a basin of hot water with a smile and prepared a towel before coming to the bedside again.

"Lu San is so obedient! Can you help mommy to wipe Daddy's body?" Zhang Yue said as she also took a small towel and handed it to Lu San.

Lu San tried her best to move to the side of Lu Sheng's head, her small hand holding the warm towel and moving it on his face.

Zhang Yue wiped every part of Lu Sheng's body and did not forget to help him move his limbs to prevent his body from stiffening.

As she wiped, she said, "Look, my daughter has grown up! She can help her mother!"

"When will you wake up?" Zhang Yue said. Although her tone was a little sad, she tried her best not to cry in front of her daughter.

The person lying on the bed did not react at all...

Zhang Yue wiped Lu Sheng's body and sighed slightly. She packed her things and went to prepare dinner.

Lu San's eyes suddenly lit up.

She raised her hand to her mouth and took a bite.

Then, she put her finger in her father's mouth.

The blood essence was finally condensed!

Ever since she woke up in this body, Lu San had been trying hard to do something for this family.

In her dream, the Lu family should be happy!

She kept trying to condense her blood essence and dripped it into Lu Sheng's mouth again and again when nobody was looking.

Because she had a strong self-healing ability, Zhang Yue did not notice anything unusual.

Lu San stared at Lu Sheng and muttered in her heart, "You have to wake up quickly! Don't waste my blood essence!"

Zhang Yue walked into the courtyard and saw that the water had already boiled. She then put the washed bones into the pot to boil.

The fragrance soon drifted out of the courtyard.

When the eldest son returned home, he smelled the fragrance of the meat at home and his eyes lit up.

Zhang Yue saw her son's expression and felt both distressed and amused.

"Go in and wash your hands. Take care of your sister. It's almost time to eat!" Zhang Yue instructed.

The Big Brother rushed into the house.

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