Chapter 35: The Village Is Going to Build A Medical Center

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Lu Sheng and Lu Hai looked at each other.

Lu Hai said to Su Jiao, "Go and help second sister-in-law. She has just recovered from a serious illness."

"Second sister-in-law is sick? Why didn't you say so earlier!" Su Jiao rushed out of the door and went to the kitchen.

Lu Sheng watched the door close and asked, "You... still haven't had anything?"

Lu Hai naturally knew what Lu Sheng was asking.

The couple had been married for seven or eight years, but they had never had a child.

Lu Hai didn't know what the problem was, but Su Jiao didn't seem to take it to heart.

As a grown man, Lu Hai couldn't keep asking, so the matter was put off.

Lu Sheng didn't think that the couple had to have a child.

However, Lu Hai was always out and about, so having a child to accompany Su Jiao wouldn't be too lonely for her.

Lu Hai shook his head helplessly. "I don't know what went wrong, but the child is always unavailable."

Lu Hai sighed, feeling somewhat regretful.

Lu San strolled in front of Lu Hai and climbed onto Lu Hai's leg in a few steps.

Lu Hai quickly reached out and carried Lu San onto his lap. He smiled and said, "Little Lu San likes third uncle?"

"Can you go home with third uncle?" The more Lu Hai looked at Lu San, the more he liked her.

Lu San babbled and babbled as her hands kept moving.

Lu Hai only thought that Lu San was having fun and laughed even more happily.

Lu San studied it carefully and found that Lu Hai's dysfunction was probably caused by long-term travel.

She had been staring at Su Jiao for a long time. Su Jiao should be fine.

However, Lu San did not need to expend her blood essence to help them with such a small matter.

How could she let them know what the problem was?

Lu San was hesitating when Lu Er ran in from outside.

"Dad, the village chief is looking for you!" Lu Er shouted loudly and ran all the way from the courtyard into the house.

As Lu Er entered the house, the village chief followed behind him.

"Lu Sheng! Big news! Big news!" The village chief said excitedly. His voice sounded even higher than usual.

Lu Sheng hurriedly went out to welcome him. In the courtyard, he saw the village chief walking in excitedly.

"Village chief, what happened?" Seeing the village chief so excited, Lu Sheng also became curious.

"Our village is going to build a medical station!" The village chief said happily. "We are going to build a pilot medical station!"

"We are going to have a professional doctor here!" The village chief was getting more and more excited as he spoke. He looked like he was about to jump up and down when he walked.

When Lu Sheng heard that, he also shouted excitedly, "That's a good thing!"

"The medical station in the town has just been built, right?" The smile on Lu Sheng's face became even brighter.

"Yes! The town said that in order to cooperate with our development project, they specially allocated funds to build a medical station for us!" The village chief's entire face was squeezed together with a smile, looking a little comical.

"The doctor will also be a doctor from the town!" The village chief grabbed Lu Sheng's arms tightly and shook them hard.

"Lu Sheng, thank you!" The village chief said sincerely.

"This..." Lu Sheng was confused by the village chief for a moment.

"If it weren't for your suggestions, if you didn't go to the town to talk about it, we might not have been able to look forward to these things for decades!" The village chief said more and more with emotion.

"I have to thank you on behalf of the entire village!" The village chief's attitude was sincere and not mixed with a hint of falsehood.

Lu Sheng quickly waved his hand. "Village chief, don't say that! I'm just saying what I think, you and the town supported me!"

"Sigh! Let's not be so polite!" The village chief stopped Lu Sheng from being polite. "I know what's going on!"

"In short, if it weren't for you, it wouldn't have been possible!" The village chief emphasized again.

After saying that, the village chief said without any hesitation, "I don't care. I have to treat you to a good meal today!"

"I've finished talking to your sister-in-law. Let her go and prepare!" The village chief let go of Lu Sheng's arm and turned to look in the direction of the kitchen.

Sure enough, he saw Zhang Yue's figure in the kitchen. The village chief said, "Zhang Yue, stop working! Come to my house to eat later!"

"But..." Lu Sheng looked back at Lu Hai with some embarrassment.

"Isn't this your brother? And your sister-in-law." The village chief's gaze swept over Su Jiao who poked her head out of the kitchen. "Let's go to my house together!"

"Let's have a good meal!" The village chief said as he grabbed Lu Sheng and walked out.

"Sigh..." Zhang Yue wanted to say something, but she saw that Lu Sheng had already been taken away by the village chief.

"This... should we continue cooking?" Su Jiao held a potato in one hand and a kitchen knife in the other. She suddenly didn't know what to do.

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