Chapter 5: I Won't Leave This Home!

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Lu San blinked at Wang Cheng. Her big eyes looked very cute.

Wang Cheng felt like he was melting in an instant.

"Come, come, come. You have worked hard. Come in and have a drink of water," Wang Cheng said and brought the two into the house.

He poured water for the siblings and prepared fruits. Wang Cheng looked at Lu Yi. "Where do you go to school?"

"I go to school in the village!" Lu Yi said proudly. "I always get first place in my class!"

Wang Cheng looked at him with a smile. One could see the pride in his eyes.

"Then do you want to go to school in the town?" Wang Cheng suggested.

Lu Yi was shocked by this suggestion, and the smile on his face disappeared.

Lu San was holding a big apple. As she chewed on it, she looked at Wang Cheng with an unfathomable look.

Wang Cheng said with a smile, "I'm the principal of the primary school in the town. I want to reward you for your spirit of returning my wallet!"

"Of course, if your results are that good!" Wang Cheng proposed the prerequisite.

Lu Yi stood up, puffed out his chest, and said, "Of course it's true!"

Wang Cheng smiled in satisfaction and said, "Okay! Then we have an agreement!"

"What's your name?" Wang Cheng only realized now that he had not asked for his name.

"Lu Yi!" Lu Yi said and reached out to pat Lu San, who was still chewing on an apple desperately. "This is my sister, Lu San!"

"Okay! Lu Yi, are you willing to transfer to the town?" Wang Cheng was invited again.

Lu Yi frowned, but he hesitated.

If he came to the town to study, he wouldn't be able to help his mother with the family matters.

He turned to look at Lu San.

His brother and sister were still young...

Seeing Lu Yi's hesitation, Wang Cheng patted his shoulder and said, "You can think about it. I'll go to your house in two days to discuss this with your parents. What do you think?"

Lu Yi nodded and didn't forget to thank him.

Wang Cheng sent the two children to the town entrance before rushing back to contact the driver to go to the town for the meeting.

Lu Yi carried Lu San home and told Zhang Yue about meeting Wang Cheng today.

Zhang Yue was a little surprised.

She knew about the school in the town. It was quite difficult to get into it.

It was said that Lu Qiang had used a few layers of connections to send his children to school after he became the factory director.

If it was the principal's invitation, Zhang Yue would send Lu Yi to school there no matter what!

Zhang Yue hugged Lu Yi and said softly, "You have to go to school properly so that you can help mommy do more things!"

"So, we can't give up such a good opportunity!" Zhang Yue's voice sounded very determined.

"But..." Lu Yi was still a little hesitant.

"Don't worry, mom is at home!" Zhang Yue knew his hesitation, and she was very touched that her son had grown up!

Two days passed just like that, but Wang Cheng didn't come to the house.

Although Lu Yi was a little sad, he didn't feel conflicted anymore.

He didn't expect to go to school in the town in the first place.

His goal now was to take care of his younger siblings and let his mother worry less.

"Xiao Yue, I brought you some steamed buns," a warm voice came from the door.

Lu San sat under the tree and rubbed her hands.

Her hands were itchy these two days. She felt that her blood essence was starting to condense again.

Lu San looked up and saw her grandmother, Zhao Di, walking in.

Lu San stood up and staggered towards her grandmother.

Zhao Di saw Lu San walking over and putting aside the basket of steamed buns in her hands with a big smile on her face.

She squatted down slightly and let Lu San bump into her chest.

Lu San rubbed her face against Zhao Di's chest.

Zhao Di lovingly picked her up and walked into the house. "This girl is getting more and more likable."

When she came into the house, Zhao Di could not help but sigh when she saw Lu Sheng lying on the bed.

Zhang Yue walked in from outside and saw her sighing at Lu Sheng.

She knew that her mother was worried about her, so she shook her head helplessly.

"What have you thought about what I told you?" Zhao Di asked as she held Lu San in her arms.

"Mom, don't try to persuade me. I won't leave this house!" Zhang Yue said firmly.

"Hey! You child!" Zhao Di sighed again, "You're guarding such a..."

As she spoke, her eyes looked around Lu Sheng.

Zhao Di couldn't help but sigh again, "What sin have you committed?"

"You still have three children to take care of. You have to plan for yourself!" Zhao Di still refused to give up and tried to persuade her.

"I can do it!" Zhang Yue's eyes slightly drooped, not hesitating at all.

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