Chapter 27: Big Brother Lu Tao

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After the family had breakfast, Lu Sheng was about to go to the village head's house to ask about the time when he would start work.

Someone shouted from outside the courtyard, "Is Lu Sheng's house here?"

When Lu Sheng heard that voice, he quickly opened the door and walked out.

When he saw the person, Lu Sheng's face immediately revealed a happy expression, "Big brother, why are you here!"

It was Lu Sheng's big brother, Lu Tao.

"I heard that you're awake. So, I came to take a look." Lu Tao looked at Lu Sheng from head to toe and nodded before entering the house.

"You've recovered well!" Lu Tao walked into the yard and put all the things he brought in.

"Zhang Yue took good care of me," Lu Sheng said with a smile on his face.

He looked at the big and small bags of meat, vegetables, and eggs that Lu Tao had brought.

Lu Sheng knew that he was not well-off either.

The two of them lived in different villages. Lu Tao must have walked all the way here. It would take at least two hours.

Lu Sheng sighed. "Brother, actually you don't have to..."

Lu Tao waved his hand and interrupted him. "We rarely move around even on normal days."

"Your family has spent a lot of money on this accident. It's not been easy for Zhang Yue!" Lu Tao's words were always honest and sincere.

Lu Sheng thought about it and shook his head with a bitter smile. He accepted his brother's offer.

"You must be tired after walking here, right? Come in and have a drink!" Lu Sheng said and invited him into the house.

"Why don't I see Zhang Yue? Did she go out to set up a stall again?" Lu Tao asked in confusion.

Lu Sheng led Lu Tao into the house and said, "She's not feeling well. She's resting in the house right now."

Lu Tao followed Lu Sheng into the house. There was a small living room in the house.

Zhang Yue heard the conversation outside the house. She put on her clothes and walked out. "Big brother, you're here."

Lu Tao looked at Zhang Yue's pale face and frowned. "You must be tired from this period! Go and rest!"

Zhang Yue smiled apologetically and went back to the room to rest under Lu Sheng's urging.

Lu Tao sat on the sofa and asked Lu Sheng, "What are your plans for the next few days?"

Lu Sheng told him in detail about his thoughts for the past few days and what he would do next.

Although Lu Tao didn't quite understand what he heard, he felt that Lu Sheng was right.

He smiled and showed his white teeth. "I knew you had something in mind!"

"Do well! Don't let them suffer with you anymore!" Lu Tao warned carefully.

Lu Sheng nodded heavily. "Don't worry! I will never let them suffer for me again!"

Lu Tao was happy. Seeing that his brother was healthy, he felt relieved.

The two brothers chatted for a while, and Lu Sheng couldn't help but ask, "Sister-in-law... how is she recently?"

"Sigh! Still the same!" Lu Tao sighed. He couldn't help but sigh when he thought of his wife.

Lu Tao's wife was a standard arranged marriage.

And the source of all this was their father who abandoned his wife and children.

Lu Tao was an honest person.

From the time he met his wife to the time he got married, Lu Tao was either urged by the old man in the family or urged by his wife.

Lu Tao had almost no right to speak at home.

It was not that there was anything wrong with Lu Tao's wife, but her personality was too bold and strong.

Lu Tao's wife was called Shen Mei. She had no mother and only had a father since she was young.

Therefore, it molded Shen Mei's personality to grasp all the big and small things in her family.

To Lu Tao, who had a relatively dull personality, Shen Mei was like a firecracker that lit up at the slightest touch.

Whenever something happened in the family, Shen Mei would be the first to rush forward. To say that Shen Mei had a bad heart, was also not the case.

This time, the things that Lu Tao brought were all things that Shen Mei prepared, and had repeatedly reminded him to bring as well.

However, Lu Tao did not dare to bring her along.

He gave her a reason by saying that Lu Sheng was still recuperating and it was inconvenient for him to have too many people.

Shen Mei was also a straightforward person, so she did not follow him.

Lu Sheng knew that although his brother said that he was dissatisfied with that sister-in-law, that sister-in-law had always kept the family in good order. His brother also saw that.

Nowadays, the people in the city like to talk about love and affection, but they were not fond of such things.

They only wanted to live a good life with their own family.

The two brothers chatted for a while more, and Lu Tao rushed home. "Your sister-in-law asked me to bring a few pounds of big sticks back. I can't buy them later."

Lu Sheng bid farewell to his brother and stood at the gate of the courtyard for a long time.

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