Chapter 23: Give Birth to Another One

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Zhang Yue gently leaned on Lu Sheng's shoulder and looked at their daughter who was sleeping soundly in front of her.

"It's been a long time since it's been so quiet..." Zhang Yue said sincerely, "I'm so happy..."

Lu Sheng hugged Zhang Yue tightly and sighed, "Thank you for your hard work! We'll be even happier in the future!"

"Okay..." Zhang Yue replied softly.

Lu Sheng brought Zhang Yue out of Lu San's room.

After the couple washed up, they lay on the bed.

"Did you know, for the past six months, I have been thinking about what would happen to us when you woke up?" Zhang Yue opened her eyes and looked at the snow-white roof.

"I thought that we would have to endure hard work together for a while, and then our days would gradually get better," Zhang Yue said, her voice was soft and sounded very comfortable.

"Everything is very promising now," Zhang Yue said and turned to Lu Sheng. "I just didn't expect that the good days would come so soon!"

"I won't let you work so hard in the future!" Lu Sheng turned to look at Zhang Yue.

"I know..." Zhang Yue smiled and stared at Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng leaned forward and said softly, "Why don't we give Lu San a little brother?"

Zhang Yue's face immediately turned red when she heard that. "You just woke up..."

"Don't worry! I'm fine!" Lu Sheng said seriously, almost patting his chest to make sure.

Zhang Yue sighed slightly. "Let nature take its course..."

Lu Sheng smiled and stared at Zhang Yue.

The distance between the two grew closer and closer...

Early the next morning, Lu San woke up from her bed and heard rustling sounds outside.

Lu San looked at the unfamiliar environment and thought about what had happened.

At this moment, Lu Yi's voice came from outside the door, "Mom! I'm going to the village chief's house. His family's Ah Fu came to call me just now."

Zhang Yue answered from inside the house, "Be back for dinner later."

"No! I'm eating at the village chief's house!" Lu Yi's voice became softer and softer.

Zhang Yue and Lu Sheng looked at each other and smiled. "This child..."

Zhang Yue lifted the curtain and saw Lu San sitting on the bed, blinking at her.

"Lu San is awake!" Zhang Yue smiled and walked forward to pick Lu San up.

Lu San snuggled in Zhang Yue's arms and smelled her body.

It had been half a year since she came here, and she smelled Zhang Yue's good smell every day.

However, ever since Lu Sheng woke up, it was difficult for Lu San to smell Zhang Yue's scent, especially at night.

Lu San felt a little wronged as she lied in Zhang Yue's arms and acted coquettishly.

Zhang Yue carried Lu San out. When she saw Lu Sheng, she smiled and said, "Your daughter is acting coquettishly!"

Lu Sheng walked forward and gently touched Lu San's small face with his finger. "Are you jealous of me?"

Lu San grabbed Lu Sheng's hand and held it tightly.

"She's not jealous. She likes you!" Zhang Yue said with a smile.

Lu Sheng took Lu San over and held her in his arms. "Daddy will take your big brother to town later. Do you want to go with him?"

Lu San raised her head and nodded heavily.

Lu Sheng smiled and handed her to Zhang Yue. "I'll take the siblings to town later."

"You don't have to go to the market today. Rest at home." Lu Sheng looked at Zhang Yue's face, which was much thinner than half a year ago.

Zhang Yue helped Lu San put on her clothes and said with a smile, "It's okay. It's not tiring to set up a stall. I can chat with the neighbors."

Lu Sheng knew that Zhang Yue was trying to earn more money to make their life better.

Lu Yi came back from the village head's home, followed by Ah Fu, who was one year younger than him.

Ah Fu was adorable. She also went to primary school in the town.

Every time she saw Zhang Yue, she would greet her warmly. Occasionally, she would help her mother send something to Zhang Yue.

Lu San liked Ah Fu very much, just like how she hated Lu Wan. It didn't make sense.

"Aunt Zhang, my mom asked me to bring some vegetable and meat dumplings over," Ah Fu said as she handed a basket to Zhang Yue.

Zhang Yue quickly took it and smiled at her. "Thank your mom for me."

Ah Fu smiled. "Aunt Zhang, you're welcome! You also always ask Lu Yi to send fruits to my house!"

Lu San walked up to Ah Fu and tugged at the corner of her clothes.

Ah Fu lowered her head and saw Lu San. She quickly squatted down. "Little Lu San, did you sleep well?"

Lu San grabbed her hand. Her expression changed slightly, then she nodded and smiled.

Ah Fu took Lu San's hand and asked Lu Sheng, "Uncle Lu, I heard from Lu Yi that you are taking him to town later. Can you take me with you?"

"Are you going to town too?" Lu Sheng looked at Ah Fu with a smile and asked.

"Yes! Mom asked me to send some rice cakes to the teacher's house!" Ah Fu said with a smile.

"Okay! Then I will take you with me later!" Lu Sheng said with a smile.

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