Chapter II: Home for lunch.

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Anna’s POV

I woke up to my phone ringing. It was an unknown number. I went outside to take the call because I didn’t want to wake up Zac. I answered and I heard a familiar voice. It was Liam Payne. Liam Payne was calling me. OMG. The conversation was short. He just wanted to make sure I saved his number and tell the girls they say hello. How cute. I bet the girls will be thrilled.

I went downstairs to cook breakfast for Zac since I’m guessing he will be really hungry when he woke up. “Why are you up so early?” Kayne asked coming out from her room. “I’m making breakfast for you guys and Zac.” I answered. She just had this expression, which just meant that she didn’t like talking about Zac. I mean she seriously doesn’t like the guy. She says she notices things that I don’t and that he treats me bad. I don’t know. I heard footsteps and assumed that would be Zac. “You woke up so early I didn’t get enough sleep.” He complained. “I’m sorry I wanted to make you breakfast.” I explained with a frown on my face. He went next to me and grabbed his toast and went to grab his things. “Can’t stay long I have somewhere to go. Bye.” He said in a hurry. I didn’t get a hug or a goodbye kiss. I was disappointed but I never wanted to see the girls how I really felt. I always tried to hide it but I knew that they could tell something was wrong.

I was finishing up in the kitchen when I received a text message.

From: Liam Payne

 “Hey there love, please meet us at this address… around lunchtime

To: Liam Payne

“Sure thing. Will tell the girls and we will be right over.”

I told the girls and they were thrilled. We all got ready and headed to the address that was Liam texted me. It was a big house, I wonder if it was their house. The girls were freaking out and I didn’t know if I should be excited or not. I was still pretty bothered with Zac’s attitude this morning. I feel like a puppy at times always being the one to follow him around. I just have to forget this feeling for a while or ill ruin the girls’ moods.

I rang the doorbell and we waited outside until Harry opened it. “Hey girls! We’ve been expecting you.” He said looking at Danica. We all stared at Danica and Harry, wondering what was going on between them. They were just smiling at each other. We all went inside and it was a really nice place. So I am guessing it was their place. Harry gave us a tour of the house until the boys came out and started to go their separate ways with the girls. Harry took Danica and gave her the rest of the tour. I guess they wanted time alone. Louis took Issa to the living room and sat on the couch. They started to watch a movie. Zayn took Kayne somewhere I guess trying to avoid Niall but it doesn’t work. What’s wrong with those two?

I was left alone looking at pictures of them on the wall. They were all so cute. I was startled by the sudden noise of my phone. It was a text message from Zac.

From: Zac

“Where are you? How come you’re not at home? I stopped by and you weren’t there. Text me back ASAP!”

 I don’t know why he treats me like this. Now I realize what Kayne was talking about. I was about to reply when all of a sudden someone behind me tapped my shoulder. I looked back and saw Liam. He’s perfect. Cute. Dreamy. I snapped back to reality when I heard him chuckle. “Hi there.” He said smiling. I smiled and waved like a total idiot I couldn’t get my words out of my mouth. “Are you okay? You look like you have something in mind.” He said while giving me a curious look. “I’m fine. I just have a lot of things on my mind right now.” I said without looking into his eyes. “Well, that is why we brought you here, we all need some fun and besides the boys have been begging me to text you so we can all hang out.” He chuckled making me giggle. I smiled at him and we went to the kitchen to prepare something to eat.

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