Chapter 20

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It's a well-given wait- oh wait- it's probably been over a year since I posted a chapter for this fanfiction. I finally gave it a decent ending. Eh, sorry, my bad. 

The doors opened; Hunk was still groaning that he swore he almost threw up out there. Alisha was stretching her arms out.

"Well, that was fun," she replied.

"Ugh, fun, you call that fun?" groaned Hunk. "That was a nightmare, a complete rush."

"Considering the circumstances, it was necessary."

Someone on the bridge cleared their throat, and everyone was staring at them.

"Do you not realize the heart attack you gave us?" asked Allura.

We looked at each other confused. What happened? Were we not in contact with the ship the entire time?

"What happened?" asked Lance.

"What happened is that one minute we hear you and Alisha talking with the rebels and, after that, nothing. It wasn't until before you attacked Baku that you were back online. So, what happened?"

"Oh," replied Alisha, surprised. "I may have done something that may have cut communications for a little bit. It was a part of our plan," she replied shyly. "I didn't know that it cut communications out here. That was my fault; I'm sorry."

"What was your plan?"

"I had Lance sneak into the castle to find Hunk in a merman form and then clear the queen's consciousness before fighting the Baku," she replied shyly. She seemed nervous. Lance could see the sweat trickle down her forehead.

"I see," began Shiro, breaking the awkward silence.

"Okay, did you think this plan through before you went down, or did it come up last minute?" Allura asked, still mad.

"I tried to think the plan through before going down, but sometimes, I find other paths that could lead to better outcomes. So, a mix of both," replied Alisha shyly. "I don't tend to jump into anything without thinking."

"Is anyone ignoring the fact that Alisha turned Lance into a merman?" Pidge asked, diverting the conversation to more astonishing matters than the tension filling the room.

"I know, right," agreed Hunk. "It was cool; I wanted a tail too."

"Lance, how was swimming? I bet you looked cool. Is there a way you turn back into a merman? Oh, can you do it now?" asked Pidge in a rush. Lance wanted to answer all of Pidge's questions, but he didn't want to leave Alisha with the tension filling the room.

"Allura, I know that you didn't expect this to happen, but can you at least be thankful that they all made it back unharmed?" asked Shiro. Alisha slumped her shoulders and looked at the floor in defeat. Did she blame herself? Shiro handled this as calmly as possible, but why was Alisha still looking defeated?

"Fine," agreed Allura, who was still mad. "Make sure that this doesn't happen again."

Alisha nodded.

That was all I needed to hear, but I knew I didn't. I should have found a better way to stay in contact with the ship, but I didn't. I am an idiot. Allura is mad at me, and I don't blame her. Is she disappointed in me? If anything, I knew that I had disappointed her. I always disappoint anyone who comes my way, even though I try hard to prove I am capable. Sometimes things work out, and sometimes things don't.

I could feel my throat drying up. I knew what that meant. I forced myself to swallow the saliva to bring back the moisture. I also knew one thing, and I couldn't do it before the team, not even Lance. "Excuse me."

I went down the hall, and the automatic doors of the bridge closed behind me. I snapped both fingers and teleported from the hallway to my room.

I felt like everything was crashing down into rubble. Broken, scattered pieces that were once whole. As tears escaped from my eyes, I slid down the door, pouring down like rainfall. Allura blames me, and yet, I blame myself. It's my fault that she's mad at me. I was trying to prove myself. I failed her and the team. Maybe, it would be better if I had left the group alone. Let them figure it out for themselves. I fisted my hand so hard that it started to tremble, but I ignored it. I should stay here and let no one see me. They shouldn't have to see me, not like this. I know I should be more potent than this, but why is it so hard? I turned on my phone and put on 'Let You Down' by NF. It matched the mood that filled the room.

"Allura, seriously!" shrieked Lance. "I trusted Alisha's call; this is not how a team works. Alisha has feelings too, you know? She's probably crying in her room right now because of this."

"I don't want to hear this, Lance. If anything, if she is crying, then sooner or later, she'll stop and come to terms with things," answered Allura.

"Have you ever thought about her mental state? We don't know the life she may have lived in her world. She could have depression for all we know, and we wouldn't know because you were the one that made her cry. If you'll excuse me, I will comfort my friend."

"Lance!" Allura called after him, but the door to the bridge closed behind him. That didn't stop him. His friend was hurt, and he had to be there for her. He went to the changing room and put on his clothes before the mission. Alisha was a part of the team, whether Allura disagreed with her mind's intent or not. He stopped by the kitchen to see if bringing some food would make Alisha feel better. He squeezed the nozzle, and the Altean food came onto the plate he had ready.

"Lance?" a quiet voice squeaked. He turned and saw Sera hiding around the corner of the cabinet.

"Hey, kiddo, what's up?"

"Have you seen mommy? I thought she came home with you guys, but I haven't seen her."

"You know, I have a strong hunch that she might be in your guys' room."

"Really?" asked Sera joyfully.

"Yeah, but Allura and mommy argued, so I think mommy might be upset. How about you and I go and comfort her? So, we can make mommy feel better. How do you feel about that?"

"That sounds good," she answered and threw a thumbs up.

Lance picked up Sera and carried her on his shoulders. He followed the hallways until he found Alisha's room. He knocked lightly on the door, he wasn't expecting an answer, but at least Lance could show her that he cared.

"Alisha? Are you in there?" he asked. Silence met Lance and Sera. "Listen, if you are in there. It's okay to cry. I won't judge. Allura didn't have to say any of that to you; you did what was right. If anything, she probably needs some time to trust you. I'll be there for you if you want a shoulder to cry. If you ever need a hug, I'll squeeze you tight and never let go."

Lance shrugged his shoulders. Sera gave him the puppy eyes. He didn't think that Sera could get any cuter.

The door slowly creaked open. Alisha stood in the doorway. Her cheeks stained red, and her eyes were puffy. She sniffed her nose and wiped her nose with a tissue.

"Hey, I brought you some food. I thought you might be hungry."

"Thanks, Lance. Come on in," replied Alisha. Her voice sounded raspy. She opened the door wider, giving them access to walk in. The door closed behind him as Lance left the food on the bed. "You didn't have to, you know?"

"Hey, I don't want to see you doubt yourself," replied Lance as he set Sera on the bed. "You are a member of this team-even if you don't have a lion to pilot. I am sure whatever reason you came here for, you have a purpose for being on this team."

Alisha smiled slightly. "Thanks, Lance. You have no idea how much that means to me-especially coming from you."

A tiny burp erupted from the bed. Lance and Alisha looked at Sera, who finished the food on the plate. "Uh, excuse me?"

Alisha giggled, and Lance laughed to the point his stomach hurt.

For a good hour or so, the three hung out in the training room. The three didn't train or anything. Alisha made the training room look like a meadow with green grass and butterflies. Sera rolled around in the grass after Alisha wove flower crowns for them. All in all, they stayed there and enjoyed each other's company. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2022 ⏰

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