Chapter 2

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I was floating in darkness. How did I end up here? Where am I?

Your family has abandoned you. You are alone, and you never needed them. They have reminded you of your weakness. Join me, become you how you were supposed to be, replied a cold voice. It sounded like mine but evil.

It sounded familiar. I narrowed my eyes in anger as I shouted, Victoria, do you think I would join you? Did you think that I would not remember your tricks? Do you remember that I created you? Do not forget that! I control you!

Ahhh! she screamed as a light erupted from me. All that mattered was that I had conquered her for the time being. Just remember that we are a part of each other!

I felt a power surrounding my neck and wrist, but it felt lightweight. I closed my eyes once more. I felt something pure enveloped me and expand outward.

I felt strange. I felt small. What happened to me?

I opened my eyes, and I was in the utmost shock. There were others bigger and smaller than me that surrounded me. The people were aliens of different planets; they looked familiar. I looked up to seeing someone I would never think I would see or meet in real life.

Lance? Lance from Voltron Legendary Defender? How can this be? He is a character from my current favorite show. He is one of my favorite paladins. Lance spoke of the adventures he and his friends went on. The stories played in my mind as if I was there. He told them the episodes of the series that I knew well. What the quiznack am I supposed to be doing here?

Who are you? said a thought.

Uh? I answered.

Who are you, and what are you doing in my body? The thought replied angrily.

Relax, my name is Alisha, and I have no idea how I got into your body, but I do know that this is only temporary, I promise.

It better be.

I feel the same way. The feel of my necklace was present against my skin, or our skin? It was weird knowing that you were in another body and not your own. My magical bracelet was under the sleeve of her jacket.

It was weird, considering the warmth of the sun. I felt like I was sweating. I glanced down at her long blue hair. I was surprised that it was not braided. Why? I could feel something underneath the hood that covered our heads. What a minute? Is your name Sera, by chance?

How did you know my name?

It is okay, relax. I think I can help you because I created you.


Not exactly, but I would not mind you calling me that. You are a character that I created in my world, you were just someone in my imagination, and I came up with you.


I know.

Wait? How old are you?

Turning 21. Why?

Damn. You are old.

Not really, my grandfather is 70, and that is old. He has not even retired from his job yet.


Do not worry about it.

Where is your world?

It is the same planet as the Paladins of Voltron but 100 years younger. We have not gotten that deep into space exploration yet. If anything, all of this is a story series on my Earth.

Oh, okay.

Sera and I remained quiet for the rest of the time until we had to go back to class. Everyone whined, except for Sera and me. As the class, Sera and I were leaving. I saw Lance looking up at the green lion that appeared from a wormhole to Altea. It seemed like I had arrived at the ending of the series, just before the Voltron lions left from the galaxy and after Altea and Daibalzaal returned to the universe. I did not know how long I would be in Sera or even how to leave her body. I felt like an evil person who possessed an innocent being. As much as I did not like it, I could sense myself getting strong. I felt like in no time. I would be able to leave her body.

Lance saw us staring at us and crouched before us out of the corner of his eyes. Sera clutched the ends of her hood. I could feel her fear rising. I could sense that he could see something she did not want him to see.

"Hey, it is going to be okay. I am not going to hurt you," Lance reassured Sera.

He tried to loosen the tightness of the hood.

"No, please, do not touch me," Sera cried, pulling away and running to the rest of the class. As fast as her little legs carried her, I could sense worry and confusion on his face. I only had a hunch that he would bring Sera to his friends at their dinner tonight.

Why do I feel that we are going to get visitors tonight?

Well, I also feel that I will be out of your body tonight as well.

I hope it is painless, mommy.

Me too, sweetie, me too. If it does hurt, I will make it painless for you.

Okay, I trust you, mommy.

I know you do.

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