Chapter 10

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I was smart, as I smirked as I watched the paladins run the protocol when they were checking the security system. I saw their discouraged faces when they did not pick me up. Even after a few times, we were invisible to them. I was smiling when I heard Lance figure it out and come back to tell the rest of his team. There was one thing that I guess I was not expecting. Lance mentioned that he had a dream since they found the Blue Lion. Everyone did. Coran seemed completely clueless, although it seemed to make sense. Even though Allura was not a paladin now, it did not mean she would not be in the future.

As Lance wiped away his fighting tears, I could not help but feel sorry that I was doing this to him. Do not worry, Lance, we will see each other again soon.

He raised his head as if something had caught his attention. He looked around as if he heard what I thought.

"What is the matter, Lance?" asked Shiro.

After a thorough search for me after the room, he shook his head and said he thought he heard someone. "It was probably nothing," he sighed.

The rest of the time was silent. The Paladins prepared for their liftoff from Planet Ares. Eventually, the day began to play off as the episode from Hunk asking about blasting or making an announcement. Pidge started teasing Hunk about Shay being his new girlfriend. I could not help but chuckle in agreement. Hunk and Shay did look cute together.

Castle of Lions picked up a distress signal. I knew who it was. I did not know whether or not to tell them about what would happen. I knew if I had revealed myself from the beginning, they would ask me if it was safe. I knew it was not whether or not I told them.

Lance, do not get distracted. I do not want you to lose your lion.

Lance tensed up. It seemed like this was the only way to talk to him without revealing myself. He looked behind as he brushed through his hair with his fingers.

Lance, do not get distracted. I do not want you to lose your lion.

The feminine voice told him. He was unsure if the girl saved him or if he was paranoid.

Do not lose my lion. What in the world is going on? Angel, what do you mean? He ran his fingers through his hair as he looked around once more. Do you mean that this could be a trick?

He looked at Hunk, and he was tense. He could not blame him. He was determined to rescue his friend, Shay. They grouped in a pod, leaving Coran alone in the castle to deal with the Galra crystal that affected their system. The doors opened once more to reveal a ship, two aliens, and a robot. They learned their names were Rolo, Nyma, and Bezzer. Pidge fell in love with the robot instantly, Lance took one look at Nyma, and he blushed and started flirting with her.

Lance! The female voice shouted in his ear. His mind came back to focus. He remembers the warning from earlier.

"Do not get distracted." He played that thought in his head over and over as he rubbed his neck. "Your team needs you. I do not want you to lose your lion."

Could flirting with Nyma distract the team and allow them to capture my lion? He shuddered just at the thought of it.

Nyma cleared her throat to draw his attention back to her.

"Uh, sorry, I am going to take a moment," he told her.

"Okay," replied Nyma, confused.

Lance walked back toward the pod and lay against its walls before sliding to the ground.

"Hey, Lance, what is wrong?" replied a familiar voice that he never thought would be talking to him. Keith, the red paladin, knelt and sat down next to the blue paladin. "Are you okay?"

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