Chapter 19: Portland Thorns vs. Seattle Reign

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: HELLO CIVILIANS OF PLANET EARTH. WAZZUP. HOW ART THOU. THIS IS YOUR AUTHOR, OF WATTPAD, AND I AM BURDENED WITH GLORIOUS PURPOSE. Sorry, I've been going back into a Marvel phase and I couldn't help saying will see more of it throughout this chapter, since it is the last chapter taking place in America, for now. Anyway, you're still going to have to correct me if my translations are wrong because I didn't learn Spanish or Portuguese! I didn't really edit this chapter, so please excuse any mistakes. And of course, you can hit me in the head with a football if I say something stupid like "James Rodriguez needs to use his paycheck to get plastic surgery," or anything else like that because we all know he looks like an adorable puppy.



I jumped up to meet the ball in the air, but before I could even get into contact with the ball, I felt hands on my lower back push me down. The referee blew his high-pitched whistle as I hit the ground face first.

I pushed myself off the ground and watched Alex jog over, rage written all over her face, "Give her a card! That's the second time she's done that!" I quickly got up to stand in between Alex and the girl on the other team.

"Alex, come on, it's fine," she had already gotten a yellow card in the first half; we were tied 1-1 in the last 8 minutes of the game. We didn't need to be playing a man down. "Get back to your position." I said, pushing her towards Selena, who patted her back as she whispered to Alex.

I took the ball and placed it next to the referee; backing up, I looked at the ref to to give the signal to resume the game. He blew his whistle; I kicked the ball over the three man wall in front of me and got back into my position as the game resumed.

Five, six, seven minutes passed and we couldn't get the ball out of the midfield. It was the last minute of the game and the fourth referee announced three minutes of injury time would be added.

We lost possession of the ball and Seattle's forwards started moving up field. Time was running out as I saw the left wing defender get beat. The forward lifted her leg, she was going to attempt to shoot from outside the box. I took the decision to tackle her. I collided with her and she fell on top of me as the whistle blew once again.

Pushing the girl off of me, I stood up and watched the rest of the team run down to me.

"It was a fair tackle!"

"That was a dive!"

"It isn't Arianna's fault!"

"I tackled outside of the box!" I yelled, trying to be heard over my teammates. I could care less if I got a yellow card in the last minute of the game; I just can't get a penalty kick in the box.

Once everyone had stopped yelling at each other, the ref took the ball and put it down about 10 yards out from the penalty box.

"Ok, defense, hold a line at the top of the penalty box!" I yelled. We made a four- man wall and everyone else found someone to mark. I watched the girl line up to take the free kick. As her foot made contact with the ball, I jumped up. The ball looked like it was going to go over the wall, but I was able to head it, straight up in the air. When the ball started falling down, I kneed it over the girl who had taken the free kick, "come on guys! Move up the field!"

I chased after the ball, which was bouncing towards Seattle's defense. I saw the my forwards running up the field catching up to me; at the moment, I was the farthest person up the field, it was so unnatural since I played center-back. I started to slow down, trying to let the forwards catch up so I could go back down to defense when I heard a very familiar voice from the stands. "ARIANNA KEEP RUNNING, 30 SECONDS, ALL OR NOTHING!"

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