Chapter 8: The Official Introduction

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hey guys! Yes, this is terribly late, but I have an adequate reason! Over the weekend, my laptop got multiple viruses that caused it to slow down sooo much and there would be at least five pop ups on every new page. So I had to wait until the viruses were removed before I could edit and post this chapter. To make up for it, I extended the chapter so it's as long as two chapters instead of one. But sorry for the ridiculously long wait and thanks for being patient! Also, I'm not fluent in Portuguese or Spanish, so please correct me if my translations are wrong! Remember, you all have the right to hit me in the head with a football if I say something stupid like "I'm rooting for Chelsea in El Classico" or anything else like that.



I rubbed my eyes open and stared at my ceiling. Turning over to my side, I looked at my clock; it read 9:48 AM. Groaning, I closed my eyes again and stuffed my face into my pillow. I felt cold air enter my blanket and then I froze. 9:48?

"Oh my gosh my alarm didn't go off!" I said as I quickly got out of bed. Ignoring the goose bumps on my skin, I picked out training clothes and went in to the bathroom. "Why didn't Cristiano wake me?!" I got my shower started and went to my sink to brush my teeth. Only then did I notice a sticky note on my mirror.

Olá Princesa,

You were tired last night and didn't have dinner, so make sure you eat today. I set your alarm for 10:00 AM so you could sleep in. Don't worry, you're not late. You need to leave for practice at 1:00 PM. I already have a taxi coming for you. Have fun at practice; I'll be there to pick you up at 6:00 PM.

Cristiano <3

I sighed in relief and smiled at the note. I continued to brush my teeth; I'm already awake, so I might as well get ready. I put on black shorts and my red shirt that said 'Madridista' on the back. When I got downstairs I saw a salad was already made for me on the kitchen counter. The index card next to it read:

Don't forget to eat! Good Luck :)

That's sweet of Cristiano; I know he's more nervous than I am about the whole transfer. He still thinks it's his fault that I had to leave and now he's doing all this to make up for it. Maybe today will show him that nothing has changed and he doesn't have to worry about anything.

Finishing the breakfast that Cristiano had made me; I got my bag and stood outside the entrance gate, waiting for the taxi. In about two minutes, a silver car pulled up and the tinted window rolled down to reveal a middle aged man with salt and pepper hair.

"Are you Ms. Arianna?" He asked with a cheery smile. He spoke in Portuguese but he had a thick Spanish accent. I nodded, opened the door, and sat in the car next to him. "Hello Ms. Arianna, I'm Gabe, your taxi driver."

I smile at him, "Just Arianna is fine."

"Alright Arianna, so, to Barcelona, si? Mr. Cristiano Ronaldo ordered me very specifically to drop you off at the Camp Nou. I am to wait until you are inside the stadium before I leave, so don't worry, you are safe."

I sighed; Cristiano might as well hide me a body guard in the stands. "Listen Gabe, you don't really have to wait. That's ridiculous of Cristiano to ask of you. You can leave as soon as you drop me off. I'm sure you want to get home as soon as possible"

"No, no miss. I was strictly explained that I must take responsibility for you for as long as I am driving you. And I live in Barcelona, so it won't take me that long to get home."

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