Chapter 23: Barcelona vs Levante

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Heeelllllllooooooo Lovlies!! It's been so long! I missed you all! It's been hard getting used to my new schedule because cross country season has started and now I'm tired and sleepy for 75% of the day. Summer break is almost over and I did not spend any time learning Spanish or Portuguese (nor did I finish any of my summer assignments, for that matter); you're still going to have to correct me if my translations are wrong. Remember, you can hit me in the head with a football if I say something stupid like "you won't ever be a WAG," or anything else like that because hundreds of other women have accomplished it, so why can't you.



"Bye Cristiano!" I yelled as I closed the car and ran towards the stadium without turning around. My feet were pounding and my steps echoed as I ran down the empty hallway; Pep had called me half an hour ago, notifying me of a missing footballer. I opened the locker room door, maneuvering myself through the swarm of changing men, looking for the Brazilian footballer, "has anyone seen Neymar?" I asked, looking around the Neymar-less locker room.

A chorus of 'no' followed my question. I groaned, looking into each stall and shower. The game was in a half hour; he couldn't hide forever.

"Give me his jersey," I said to Leo as I approached Neymar's locker. Neymar's game shorts, socks and cleats were missing, so I assumed he had already changed into them. I left the locker room with the jersey in my hand. I know he was in the stadium somewhere; his car was still in the parking lot. I guess I should try the cafeteria, maybe he eats when he's nervous. Looking out the window that gives a nice view of the field, I stopped and stared at the small figure sitting in the goal.

I'm so stupid; where else but a football field would a footballer go to calm his nerves.

I started sprinting back to the hallway that led to the tunnel. As I passed the locker room, the door opened and I ran into Xavi. "Slow down there, you ok?" He asked me.

I caught my breath and quickly replied, "Yeah...I found him..." I continued running down the tunnel and sprinted towards the far goal. I dropped in front of him, panting heavily, "The next...practice...I'm making you payback..." I tell him.

He looked at me smiling, but didn't say anything.

"'re sitting in a goal..." I stated, sitting crisscross applesauce in front of him.

"Yep," he simply said, looking around the empty field.

"Are you ready for it?" I ask.

"The game? Yeah, I always am."

"No, not the game, the other thing."

There was silence; I could hear the wind blowing through the net and grass. Neymar just stared at his cleats. I crawled next to him, put my arms around him, and gave him a squeeze. He looked over at me and smiled, placing one arm around me and returning the squeeze.

"You know, you don't make sense," I say as we sat and stared at the grass together, "you know the answer, so why are you so nervous. You know she's going to say yes."

"What if she doesn't? She could change her mind or Leo could change his mind."

"She likes you Neymar; she's going to say yes. And don't worry, I'll even hold back Leo until she answers," I tell him. He laughs, but doesn't say anything.

I took a deep breath, "you're Neymar can do this! Or are you going to let this little fear control you? Let it start telling you what you can and can't do. Soon you'll be too scared to take risks in football and the world will lose the real Neymar. The one who wasn't afraid to make mistakes on the field to try something new. No, instead they'll see the one who was too afraid to ask out a girl. A girl who is going to say yes."

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