Chapter 9: Moving In

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Guess who finally decided to update? MEEE! I hadn't been on Wattpad for so long; when I checked my notifications I was amazed by all the comments, so thank you all! The reason I couldn't update earlier this week is I forgot that it was my birthday because I was too busy studying for all the tests my teachers decided to give on the last week before break. -_- But here's the update now! And you can expect another one in a week!

I'm not fluent in Portuguese or Spanish, so please correct me if my translations are wrong! Remember, you all have the right to hit me in the head with a football if I say something stupid like "Manchester City is on the bottom of the table" or anything else is like that. Btw this chapter isn't edited very well, so ignore any mistakes.



I sat up in my bed; it wasn't time for me to get up yet, but I was too excited to go back to sleep. I might as well get ready; I'm sure Cristiano has already left for practice.

I brushed my teeth and took a shower; putting on navy shorts and a white Adidas shirt, I braided my hair.

Once I was done washing up and getting dressed, I went downstairs and made myself a bowl of cereal. Flopping onto the couch in the living room, I flipped through the channels, "Football, football, American football, football, honestly Cristiano, where are all of the non-football channels? I need my cartoons and movies!" I say to no one in particular.

Turning off the TV, I stare at the empty couch in front of me. I don't know how, but the empty white couch gave me an idea. Picking up my phone, I scrolled through my contacts and found the number I was looking for, "¿Hola Gabe? If it's not too much trouble, can you come and pick me up early today? Yes? Muchas Gracias! I'll see you in an hour!" I put all of my football stuff near the door so I would be ready when Gabe came.

I found my laptop and started looking for furniture on Amazon and other online stores; I knew I only have today to redecorate; I'll be too busy with my new team after today.

After surfing the web for various furniture stores, my doorbell rang. Looking at the clock I smiled, Gabe was right on time. Opening the door, I was greeted by his usual smile, "Ready Arianna?"

Picking up my bags, I replied, "Ready!"

"You look excited, is there anything special today? Why go so early? If we leave now, you will still have two hours before practice." Gabe asked as we left. "Or did you change your opinion about Barcelona being so bad in only one practice?"

I smiled thinking about my new team; it wasn't so bad, they were all nice and of course, I can't forget Piqué, "They are tons of fun, but I'm excited for a different reason." I told him about my idea and everything I ordered this morning.

After I thoroughly explained my plan, he laughed, "Seems like hard work to do alone."

"I'm Arianna Marie, I can handle it! Plus, it'll be easier than handling Piqué..." I told him; I could see the Camp Nou from my window now.

"Well if you're sure...but give me a call if you need any help" Gabe says as he parks.

"I will, don't worry. Bye Gabe! Thank you!" I get out of the car and rush to my office.

Putting my stuff down next to the door, I looked around the room. "Time to get started."

Over the period of the next 30 minutes, I had moved all the furniture I didn't want in my room to the conference room next door, except for my desk, which I left in the middle of my office. Sitting on the desk I looked around the now more spacious room. "Ok my packages should be here by now." I went to the front doors and sure enough there were boxes as tall as I am sitting at the entrance. I slowly pushed them inside and a got about 5 ft. in before I was exhausted. "Ok, let's be smart about this," I said out loud. I took the two medium sized boxes and carried them to my room and put them in the back left corner of my room. Running back to the other boxes, I took a large circle box and tipped it sideways and started to roll it to my office; I bumped into the windows a couple times and also got a couple weird looks from
various people but I just smiled at them and kept rolling. I only had an hour left before I had to be at practice. When I got back to my boxes, there were two large rectangle boxes left, and Piqué and Neymar were sitting on one of them.

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