Chapter 4: The Contract

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: The usual, help me out when I get my facts or translations wrong. Also you all have the right to hit me in the head with a football if I say something stupid like "Cristiano Ronaldo is the Russian National team's captain" or anything else like that.



I yawned as I rubbed my eyes. I sat up in my bed as I reached for my phone; it was 8:00 AM. I stretched and pulled off my green covers and walked to Cristiano's room. His room was like mine, except his room was blue and white, unlike my green and white room. I opened his door and peeked inside and smiled; half of his body was hanging off of his bed.

"Cristiano, wake up," I said as I shook him. He groaned in reply and then put his pillow over his head. I rolled my eyes, it was like this every morning. "Cristiano, you don't want to be late for practice," I said as I pulled off his blue covers. He threw his pillow in my face, grabbed his covers out of my hand and went back to sleep. I threw his pillow back at him and went back to my room, he'll get up eventually.

Looking through my closet, I picked out black shorts and Cristiano's old jersey to wear for practice today. After a refreshing shower, I put on my clothes, put my hair in a regular braid, and grabbed my phone and football bag before I went downstairs. Cristiano was already down, eating breakfast and watching TV.

"Bom Dia, [Good Morning]" he said in his regular cheery voice.

"Bom Dia, [Good Morning]" I replied with a mouth full of toast. "When do we leave for lunch today?"

"Around 11:30"

I nodded; it was only 9:30 right now. Once I finished breakfast I ran up to him and dragged him off the couch. "Let's play in the backyard, like we used to!" He smiled, recalling their childhood memories, as he grabbed a football near the pool and I ran to our football field.

We would do this almost every day in Portugal. There was an old park near our houses; we would play on the football field near the park all the time. In the summer, we literally spent all day there; my mom or Cristiano's mom would come by and drop off lunch or snacks, and then we would have dinner at one of our houses. Whenever Cristiano wanted to play football at night, he would run to my backyard and throw his football at my window to call me out; we would play until we got tired and often would sleep at each other's house. I still remember the first time we snuck out of our houses to play at night; we weren't allowed to see each other to play football for a week! Eventually it became a tradition and as long as we came back to one of our houses and told our parents we were still alive, we were allowed to play at night. Then my parents died in a car crash; Cristiano's parents welcomed me. Ever since, Cristiano took care of me and I kept him out of trouble. I remember Cristiano often got into fights at school because somebody would tease me for being short or not having parents. In return, I helped Cristiano do his homework, even though he was two years older. He would daydream about football in class and play football in the afternoon, so at night I would help him with any school work.

We played football until it was time to leave for lunch. At the restaurant, Marcelo and Pepe were already there. They had set up a large table for the team to sit at; slowly, the rest of the team arrived and we ordered our lunch. I ordered a Caesar Salad, but the rest of the team picked the make-your-own-sandwich buffet. I made Sergio Ramos get me extra croutons when he was making his sandwich. Soon the waiter came with my salad and smile at me; of course, Cristiano wrapped his arm around my waist and glared at the poor guy. I smiled back at the waiter before he left, then, I looked at Cristiano with a raised eyebrow.

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