Chapter 6: Leaving Madrid

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Yes another chapter! So sorry for the long wait!! Oh and I know it takes about 6 hours to get from Madrid to Barcelona, but I'm going to shorten it to 45 mins for the purposes of this story. Please correct any translations I get wrong. Remember, you all have the right to hit me in the head with a football if I say something stupid like "Manchester United is the best team in La Liga" or anything else like that.



I got up extra early today so I could get downstairs before Cristiano. Quickly dressing myself, I quietly went into Cristiano's room to make sure he was still asleep. Of course he was still wrapped up in his blanket like an Egyptian mummy; so, I went downstairs, grabbed an apple and a couple granola bars for breakfast. Pulling on my Ronaldo jacket, I looked for a pen and a sticky note; I wrote a note to Cristiano very vaguely explaining where I was going and I put it on the TV, where I was sure that he was bound to find it. I took the keys for the black Audi and left as quietly as possible. I felt guilty for not telling Cristiano in person, I had told Mourinho that I would, but if I did then Cristiano would never let me leave.


I rubbed my eyes and yawned as sunlight hit me in the face. Unwrapping myself from my blanket, after about another 10 mins, I force myself to sit up and stare out the glass wall to my right; I still couldn't find it in me to actually get out of bed. I picked up my phone from my side table and scrolled through my social media, liking the new picture of the team from lunch yesterday that Gareth had posted. After another 5 minutes, I finally dragged myself out of bed and went for the shower. This was going to be a long day, I could already tell.

I dressed myself in my training clothes and started to style my hair; I took my hair very seriously. Everyone thought it was silly but I'll have the last laugh when there are pictures of them with messy hair on the front page of the morning paper.

When I was satisfied with my hair, I picked up my training bag and went downstairs; I could feel something was different. I stood still as possible at the bottom of the stairs and listened to the almost eerie silence. I put my bag down and looked out at the pool, and then I tiptoed into the kitchen, everything seemed normal. I must look ludicrous for sneaking around my own house like a ninja. I went back to the stairs to pick up my bag and then I realized what was wrong, Arianna's shower wasn't running! That's what made the house so silent! Usually she's still in the shower when I come downstairs; looks like she's ahead of her schedule today. Smiling, I went back to the kitchen, I made myself some cereal and sat down on the granite island in the kitchen and started laughing at my ridiculousness. I couldn't stop for about five minutes; I finally finished my breakfast and put the bowl in the sink. I went to watch TV like always, Arianna should be down in about five minutes.

Picking up the remote and turning on the TV, I notice a small note on the screen. Frowning at it, I walked over, removed if from the screen and read it.

Hey Ronnie,

I had to leave early today for some important work related to practice; I went alone so you could get some more beauty sleep (not that it will help) ;) I took the black Audi. Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. Make sure you get to practice on time! You can ask Mourinho why I had to leave early because I can't explain it on this note and you won't see me at practice today.

See you when I get back,

Your Princesa Arianna ;)

I stared at the note in confusion. She should have told me she would be leaving early last night. Mourinho must have told her to do something while we were changing after the game yesterday. I turned off the TV, might as well head off to practice if Arianna wasn't here. Getting in my silver convertible, I drove off to the Bernabéu.

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