Chapter 2: Retirement

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AUTHORS NOTE: Hey guys, got another chapter for ya! Help me out when I get my facts or translations wrong. You all have the right to hit me in the head with a football if I say something stupid like "Cristiano ran his fingers through his blonde hair" or anything else like that. And again, I don't mind constructive criticism.

I REALLY APPRECIATE ALL THE VOTES!! They really motivated me to update faster, thank you so much!!


I opened the door to Cristiano's Ferrari and sat in the passenger seat. He's never going to let me drive this car, I'm only allowed to drive the Audi's, but Cristiano thinks I'm going to kill myself with any car he gives me, so I don't get to drive often anyway.

"So what were you and Barcelona talking about?" Cristiano asked as he backed the car out of the parking lot.

I decided to mess with him, I casually looked out the window and said, "Nothing important really."

I looked back at him and saw him raise an eyebrow at me. "Are you sure it was nothing? They seemed pretty interested in the conversation considering ALL of Barcelona was a part of it."

"Fine, we were talking about you, Cristiano." I told him.

"Me?" he chuckled, "I'm just an interesting subject to talk about, aren't I?" I saw Cristiano smirking in his rear view mirror.

"Stop yourself right there mister, I don't want the car to tip over from your big-headedness!" He rolled his eyes at me. "If you MUST know, we were all discussing about how surprised we were when you made that last penalty kick."

I couldn't stop myself from laughing when I saw his face, "I am Cristiano Ronaldo! I don't miss penalties!!" he said outrageously. "That penalty was the equalizer! Or else we would have lost!"

"Here we go again, I can practically see your head growing." I told him. "Just to bring your head down to normal size, I'll tell you what we ACTUALLY talked about. And before you can ask, no we didn't talk about you." Cristiano waited for me to continue talking and I explain how they had gotten my football and offered to sign it. "...and then I saw you guys come out, so I told them that I had to go. That's all." I finished telling him. Cristiano just grunted in response. "That's attractive, so what did Mourinho say about the party?"

"Oh we decided we would all go to a privet club; we're all meeting there around 8:30, so be ready by 8:00 and, of course, I'll be driving.

"I know how to drive Cristiano..."

"No, no way, I'm not risking anything with you. Plus, we are all going to the same place anyway. Your job is to wear a nice dress and look stunning, like always." he said as he flashed a smile at me.

All I could do was sigh, "Alright, are the WAGs going to be there?" I hoped they would be, I love my team Madrid, but I just happen to love them more when they aren't drunk.

"I'm not sure, it was a last minute thing..."

"Well I'm going to call Casillas and tell him to bring Sara; or else I might not survive the night."

"We aren't THAT bad," Cristiano said as he pulled up in our driveway.

"You're not the sober ones, so how would you know?" I asked him as I got out and unlocked the doors to our house. I stepped inside and sighed, I was finally home. I have lived with Cristiano for as long as I can remember, even in Portugal. My parents died when I was 7 years old, so I moved in with Cristiano because our parents were very close. Then, when Cristiano got an offer from Manchester United, I moved with him and got my first job as a football manager; then, Cristiano came and joined Real Madrid, and there was no chance that he was going to leave me with his old team, so I came to Madrid with him and we have been here ever since.

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