Chapter 11: Feliz Cumpleaños

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: HEYY! I had a snow day, so I was like, let's attempt to get another chapter in and surprise some people with an early update! And still not fluent in Portuguese or Spanish, so you're going to have to correct me if my translations are wrong! Remember, you all have the right to hit me in the head with a football if I say something stupid like "Lionel went to the Ballon D'or in a regular black tuxedo" or anything else is like that because stuff like that never happens.



"Ok guys, we have three days until our game against Sevilla, that means today is going to be your hardest practice of the week!" I told the team circled around me. "You'll get used to it!" I told them over the groans I heard. "Three days before every game is going to be a rough practice, and if you happen to miss practice that day, then you will not be playing in the game. Understood?" They all nodded as I continued talking, "Ok, good; I give you a rough practice three days before the game so you can have a recovery practice tomorrow and complete rest the day before the game. So, instead of wasting time, why don't you boys start your laps and do your stretches."

As the boys ran 2 laps around the field and sat in the middle of the field to stretch, I ran all over the field getting ready for practice. Today was the first day I was handling practice alone; Pep was on the sidelines acting as my assistant because he wanted to see how I would do alone.

I told him I could handle it. I told him not to worry about anything. I'm a big girl.

Who am I kidding? Big girl? Most of these guys are twice my height!

I'm nervous.

I'm so nervous I could pee in my pants.

I put my hair up in a ponytail and set out the hurdles and ladders, once I was done, I ran back to the guys who were getting water.

"Ok! Let me explain this to you; I've made you guys a fitness course across the whole field. This whole course will be done in pairs. We start off with the worst thing ever on the far side of the field: suicides. We all know how these work, yes? You run the first cone, then back to the beginning, then to the second cone, then back to the beginning and so on. Once you get last cone, you will not come back, instead, you will turn right and go to the ladders. On the first ladder go forwards, on the second and third ones go sideways, and on the fourth one go backwards; then, go over to the hurdles, they are set up in a pattern and you need to follow that. Jump forwards over the first one, then jump left on the second one, then jump forwards on the third one, then jump right on the fourth one, then repeat until you get through all the hurdles. Then, move over to the plastic people, you need to dribble a ball around the plastic people, like they are the opponent. Once you get past them, leave your ball there and zigzag through the poles set up. Then there are ploy spots set in a pattern, you need to hop on each spot, following the pattern. You need to get through these drills as fast as possible because as soon as you are done with the poly spots, you run to the penalty box on the other side of the field and attempt to score on Bravo, Ter Stegen, or Masip. Winner can get water and get back in line; loser has to sprint to me and give me a high five before getting water. I'll be standing where you started the drills. IF neither of you score before the pair behind you starts sprinting to the box, then both you and your partner must give me a high five before getting water. We will do two sets of five, and we will have a break between sets, ok?"

There was a long silence; everyone stared at each other, then at Pep, who just shrugged his shoulders, and then at me. "And we are supposed to get all of this done today?" Neymar asked.

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