Chapter 12

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Riley's POV

-So you wanna have some fun tonight?- Bryan said flirting with me. I looked at him.

-Yeah sure...- I looked at him again -Not really- I laughed and walked away. I like Luke, not Bryan.

*The next day*

I was walking through the halls and something caught my attention weird sounds coming from a class room. I opened the door just for me to throw my stuff I had on my hand to the floor, my eyes watery and my heart broke into million of pieces, there was Mrs. Roberts with Luke having sex on the desk. I looked at Luke and then my necklace he gave me. I took another glance at Luke and he was smirking. SMIRKING. SMIR-KING. I looked at him in disbelief shaking my head, his smirk grew bigger. I ripped off the necklace of my neck and threw it at him before running out of the school.

How could he do this to me?

Luke's POV

-So you wanna have some fun tonight?- I heard Bryan said to Riley.

-Yeah, sure...- That broke me, My heart broke I ran out of there before anything else happened. That bitch isn't going to get out of this. I want revenge. And i'll pay her with the same coin. Sleeping with one of the youngest teachers. Mrs.Roberts.

-Hey Sally, can I speak to you?

She smiled

-Yeah sure.

She came behind me while I was walking through an empty classroom.

I closed the door once she entered the room. I took off my shirt and she bit her lips. She sat down on the desk and opened her legs. She let her hair down from her ponytail and with her finger she called me to go over there. I thought about what I was doing. I just have to.

We were in the middle of fucking when someone opened the door. I heard some things fell on the floor. I looked at the door and saw that Riley was standing there, speechless. She looked... Sad? And broken. Well she fucked Bryan yesterday so who cares. I smirked at her. Yeah I did smirk I want her to feel the pain I felt yesterday. She looked at her necklace? And then looked at me. My smile grew bigger once I saw her eyes watery. She ripped her necklace off and threw it at me. I caught it. She ran away once she threw it at me.

I looked at the necklace and my smirk faded. It was the necklace I gave her, the day I asked her to be my girlfriend. why smirked faded? Because of what it said. In the front, it said: 'Forever and Always' but in the back. 'Always Loyal'

My science teacher *Luke Brooks* || COMPLETED||Where stories live. Discover now