Chapter 11

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Riley's POV

I woke up because I felt something move beside me, I opened my eyes and saw Luke.

-Good morning beautiful, and sorry for waking you up.- He smirked and kissed my cheek.

-It's ok.

We were still naked because of what we did yesterday. I smiled remembering all the things we did. I like Luke and I can't deny it.

-Baby?- Said Luke kinda nervous.


-Be mine?- He said softly

I smiled.

-Yes.- He smiled and put a necklace around my neck. It was beautiful.

*2 Weeks later*

-Fuck you Luke I hate you!- I yelled at him.

He giggled.

-It's not my fault you're bad at fifa- He said

-You cheated!- I yelled and threw the control to the floor. I stood up and smacked his chest.

-Oi stop it- He giggled trying to stop me from hitting him.

-You fucking cheated! It's not fair- I said calming down.

-How can you even cheat on this game?- He chuckled.

-You said you were going to show me a trick to win, I trusted you and gave you my control and you turned it off instead. And you took advantage of that to win.

-Oh well, I still won- He smirked

-No you didn't, it's not fair.

-Ok fine. -

-Tomorrow we have school.- He said

-I know- I sighed.

Let's go to sleep beautiful.

My science teacher *Luke Brooks* || COMPLETED||Where stories live. Discover now