Chapter 53

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Riley's POV

I was walking through the hallways making my way to Science, today Luke is going to give back our tests, I have to get an A+, I need perfect grades, and I do have perfect grades, so i'm very confident about this science test, When I came in the class room all their eyes where on me. Obviously, I like having all the attention. I smirked at everyone and when my eyes landed on Abbie, I faked smiled and gave her the finger. She just rolled her eyes. Well, I hate her now, she was supposed to be my girl best friend, but friends don't sleep with your boyfriend, that's just messed up.

-Riley, i'm right here I can see you, now please sit down- Luke said annoyed. Now what did I do?! I listenend to him anyways, I sat down by the one and only, Jai Brooks. Just to piss Luke off. 

-Okay class, I'm giving out your tests so, yeah- He said and started giving us the tests back. He gave the tests neatly to everyone, but when he came to me he just threw it. I was really confused what have I done? I shook it off and took a look at my grade, my big smile faded. My anger started boiling up, how could he? I stood up.

-An F?! You gave me a freaking F?- I yelled. everyone was staring at me but I didn't care at all. All I cared about was the F sitting on my table. 

-Yes Riley, I gave you an F- He said calmly. I wanted to slap him.

-That's  my fucking question, why an F?!- I kept yelling. I was mad. You would be mad if you got an F.

-Beca...- I cut him off.

- I worked hard on this Mr.Brooks, you have no idea how hard I studied fot this test- I yelled. The fact that having an F in my perfect grades made me sad and furious.

-Maybe because you deserved that F for being a slut!!- He yelled. I froze, and I couldn't move, a knot formed in my chest, and it hurt. My eyes watered up and Luke's face softened, he was about to say something but the fire alarm turned off. Everyone started to panick.

-Everyone calm down! Everything will be okay just please go out the door slowly! not running!! walking!- Luke yelled over the loud fire alarm giving directions, everyone listened and went out including Luke, it was dark, the light turned off. I was still in the classroom. Alone. I still couldn't move, I was sad. I started crying looking at the giant red F. Then I felt warmth. warmer and warmer by the time, I saw fire, it was here. It came here. I was scared and I couldn't breathe with the smoke, i'm gonna die.  Suddenly, I giant piece of wood fell from the roof. And it landed on my head. I fell and that's when everything went black.

Luke's POV

I knew once I said that, I regretted it. Then the fire alarm went off. shit shit shit shit. Okay Luke, remember that all us teachers have a plan for this situation.

-Everyone calm down! Everything will be okay just please go out the door slowly! not running!! walking!- I yelled, everyone walked out slowly, I walked out last since i'm the teacher. When we were all outside, including all the other classes, we had to take attendance. I started with my class.

-Everyone in a straight line for me to take attendance!- I yelled, they did as I said. I tooks out the list.

-Abigal Anderson- I said loudly.

-Here!- Said Abbie. (They call her Abbie, her real name is Abigal)

-Benjamin Smith- I continued.


-Roxanna Brown-


-Jai Brooks-

-I'm right by you dumbass- I ignored it.

-Riley Kooperman- I said. No answer.

-Riley Kooperman!!- I repeated, still no answer. I looked up and started walking down the line searching for her flawless face. She wasn't here. I frowned, where is she? realization crashed into me. I looked up to the building that was on fire. My jaw dropped.

-Shit- I mumbled. I ran, I ran like I never did before. I ran up the stairs and searched for my room. There was a lot of fire in this hall, I tried passing over the pieces of wood and blocking the ones falling from the roof. Finally I found it. I came in since the door was clear, I couldn't see anything and I couldn't breathe with the smoke. Then I saw her brown long hair on the floor, my eyes widened and I ran up to her, she fainted.

-Riley babe wake up, please wake up baby, please, I need you- I said almost crying. She blacked out so she wasn't going to wake up right away, so I carried her bridal style out of this place.

HOPE YOU ALL LIKED THIS CHAPTER!!!!!!!!!!!! I PERSNOALY LOVED THID CHAPTER I'M HAPPY WITH WHAT I DID HERE:) :) :) LOVE U ALL!! luke's an idiot for hurting her for 262718273627281929373 time, stupid Luke, WHO WANTS TO KILL HIM!! jk 

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