Chapter 25

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Riley's POV


I was sleeping peacefully, when all of the sudden Luke began to shake and move, I woke up completely and I knew he was having the dream. He was sweating, shaking, moving everywhere, and crying. I hovered over him and tried waking him up.

-Luke wake up- I said, but he kept moving and shaking. He was moving his hands everywhere he even slapped me in the face.

-Ouch- I rubbed my face. fuck it. I pinned him down from his wrist because he moved like if he was possessed.

-Luke stop- I tried to push his wrist down, but he's much stronger than me. I tried with all my force to stop him moving around. I was sweating. It was a hot night too.

-Riley!- He yelled. I pinned him down one more time with all of my force I had.

-Luke!- I yelled. He opened his eyes. We made eye contact for a few seconds and then his eyes started to get watery. He began to cry and I hugged him really tight, laying his head on my chest letting him sob on it.

-Luke it was just a nightmare. I'm here baby- I said rocking him side by side while He cried on my chest sobbing like a baby.

-shhh, baby i'm here. It was just a dream. I'm here babe- I kept rocking him side to side.

-I'm here, i'm here- I whispered hugging him tightly.

-You dreamed that I died again, right?- I said after a silence.

-Yeah- He whispered, still on my chest. If you are confused. I survived the accident and the life support. It was one month ago. Since that day I was fine, He've been having dreams that I didn't make it. He cries every time He wakes up. Thinking how would it be if I wasn't here. Reminding him of my bruised body laying on the bed. He told me everything.

I grabbed his cheeks with both hands.

-It's ok Luke. I'm here. There's no need to cry baby, I know you were hurt, and you keep having those dreams. But i'm here. And i'm not leaving you anytime soon- I said and smashed my lips on his, making him forget about the world.

My science teacher *Luke Brooks* || COMPLETED||Where stories live. Discover now