Chapter 16

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Riley's POV


-Riley there's a tiny little problem- Abbie said coming up to me. She looked nervous.

-What happened?- I said worried.

-Well, it's kinda a funny story- She said scratching the back of her neck.

-What?!- I said desperate.

-Well I kinda told Brianna about the dare- She said. No this can't be. Brianna. One of the most gossip girl ever. She hears something and she spreads it to the world. She's a straight student with straight A's. Wear's glasses and tall. She know's about this.

-Abbie you fucking bitch Luke can know!- I said worriedly. I truly love Luke.

-Don't worry, I already know- I heard someone said behind me, I turned around and saw Luke with watery eyes.

-Luke I...- I tried to explain

-Don't. Just don't- He turned around and walked away. Tears streaming down my face.

-No Luke wait- I said trying to chase after him. But someone stopped me.

-Just leave him Riley-Said Abbie.

-Don't fucking touch me you bitch, this is all your fault. I lost the love of my life because of you. Thank's Abbie thank you a lot.- I yelled at her. I turned around and ran to my house.

My science teacher *Luke Brooks* || COMPLETED||Where stories live. Discover now