Chapter 35(again) fuck you wattpad

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Riley's POV

-You kissed my brother?!- Noah yelled once we arrived at the mall.

-He didn't have his first kiss and he was nervous to, I just helped him!!- I defended myself.

-But you're mine! He wants to steal you from me!- He yelled.

-He's 13 for fuck sakes, it's not like i'm going to date him.

-Oh yeah?! Well...- He got interrupted by a voice.

-Noah! Nice to see you here- A brunette girl hugged him. He looked kind of nervous.

-Oh and who is this?- She asked.

-I'm Riley, his girlfriend- I said. Her eyes widened.

-Girlfriend? I thought you told me you were single?- She said. I looked at Noah.

-I... Uh- He stuttered.

-Well anyways, nice to see you again Noah, oh and you left your jacket at mines yesterday, hope we can repeat what we did- She winked at him and walked off. What? He went to her house yesterday?

-What did she meant?- I said.

-I don't know- He said

-Noah who is she?

-She... Uh... Nothing important- He said


-Uh... My ex but- I just raised an eyebrow.

-Your ex girlfriend? You went to her house yesterday?- I asked

-I... Yeah, but it's not like it seems like-He said.

-Well why didn't you tell me? You told me you were going to buy groceries.

-I know. But- I interrupted him

-You lied to me?- I said hurt


-Save it.

I walked off and sat in a bench far away from him. He turned around and walked away.

-Trouble in paradise aye?- I jumped in fright. I turned to see who it was. I giggled.

-Yeah you could say that- I said looking at my hands.

-I hope you're happy- He said looking at the sky. I turned to look at him.

-I hope you are too- I whispered. He looked at me smiling.

-Riley?- I heard. I looked behind me and Noah was calling me.

-Give me one sec- I told Jai.

I walked over to Noah.

-Yes?- I said in front of him.

-Are you still mad?- He said

-Yes- I said

-For gods sake I didn't do anything!- He yelled.

-Yes you did! You lied to me- I yelled back

-Well fuck you if you don't believe me!- He yelled. I sigh. "God I miss Luke so much" i thought.

-Then if you miss him, go with him! Why are you here with me?!- He yelled frustrated. Shit, I said that out loud?


-No! I'm sick if this shit! You fucking can't get over your fag of your ex boyfriend!- He yelled. Sadness and anger kicked in.

-Don't call him a faggot you idiot!- I yelled.

-Why not? If he is a faggot!- He snapped back at me.

-He's not a faggot!! Faggot is super offensive!! That word shouldn't be used!! So watch out with what you're saying cause no one in this entire world is faggot!- I yelled and pushed him from the chest.

-Well guess what? That word describes him!- He pushed me back.

- Shut up! Shut up! You don't even know him!- I yelled with all my lungs.

-Well I've seen him and he looks like faggot! So that makes him one- He yelled. I hate the word faggot. My anger kicked in and there was no sadness anymore. With all my force I slapped him across the face.

-Did you just slap me bitch?- He said getting closer to me.

-Hey! Stop it!- Jai stood in between us.

-Move- Noah said.

-I don't think so- Jai said

-I said before you get hurt- Noah kept yelling.

-And I said no- He snapped back. Noah threw his fist to Jai's jaw and Noah kept hitting him. Jai was fighting back. And I had tears screaming for help. I hate violence. I threw myself on top of Noah.

-Stop it!! You are going yo kill him Noah- I yelled trying to push him off Jai's body. Two security guards came and told Noah Jai and I to leave. Noah went running to his car and left.

-Jai are you ok?- I asked him. He had a cut on his cheek bone, his lips were bleeding and he had a black eye. I grabbed him and went to his car. I took the keys from him and put him in the passenger's seat. I drove off.

-Where do you live Jai?- I asked.

-Go to Luke's department.

I gulped. And drove to my teacher's apartment. When we got in Luke's place I noticed that he wasn't there.

I laid Jai on the bed and went to find the first aids. I went back to Jai and took his shirt off. He had bruises on his side. I couldn't help but stare at his abs. Jai smirked.

-Like what you see?- I snapped out of it and blushed.

I cleaned jai up and told him to rest. I was going to make sure he was ok all the night. But first I cleaned up the blood that was on the floor. In the middle of the night I heard the door open and then closed. I stood up and went to the living room and turned on the lights. Shit.

-Riley?- Luke asked confused. I looked at the floor.

-Hi Luke- I said finally looking at up at him.

-What are you doing here?- He said coming closer.

-I...Uh...I- I stuttered.

-Wait, let's sit down and you can explain it to me ok?- I nodded. He offered me tea and I denied. We sat down on the couch.

-I had I fight with Noah in the mall because he lied to me, then I told him to leave me alone. I sat on a bench and Jai was there so we talked. Then Noah called me again, and asked me if I was still mad, and I told him that I was, then I accidentally said that I missed you out loud, he went all psycho and called you a faggot, you know I hate the word faggot so I defended you and yeah then I slapped him and Jai got in between us and they hot in a fight- I took a deep breath -Then I took Jai to your apartment to clean him up, so I did and now he is sleeping, I wanted to make sure he was ok so I decided I should stay. And yeah now you are here.- His eyes widened.

-Wow, I never expected that- He said surprised.

-What?- I asked

-You miss me?- He said. Seriously? Is that the only thing he cares.

-Kinda- I whispered. He got closer to my lips and I leaned in as well we were going to kiss.

-Luke you're here!- I sigh. Almost. We looked up and Jai was awake.

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