Chapter 59

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*3 months later*

I smiled at Tony and pecked him on the lips. He's my world my life. My everything. How we met was just with eye contact after the robbery. His dimples made my heart beat so fast. Luke? Well I haven't seen him in a long time, I don't know what happened to him, or where he is. I grabbed Tony's big hand and interlocked it with mine. I dragged him to subway. Yumm. I'm so hungry, and I'm hungry every 5 minutes.

-What do you want boo?- Tony said. I smiled with the nickname he put me.

-I want the Bacon melt and chase please- (a/n:Just invented it) I said. He nodded and went to order, I looked around and sat down in an empty table for two. Tony came back after a few minutes and sat down in front of me. He gave me the sandwich and I immediately unwrapped it and started eating. Tony chuckled.

-Wanna know why I call you boo, boo?- He said. I nodded. I've been waiting for this day, he never told me why he called me boo.

-Because of your Boo~ty- He laughed. I rolled my eyes and threw a pickle at him.

-Ew I hate pickles- He said.

-I know dummy that's why I threw it to you- I giggled. He rolled his eyes and threw a tomato at me. EWWWW.


-That movie was amazing- I said walking out of the movie theater with Tony's jacket around me.

-You weren't even paying attention you just ate all the popcorn-He chuckled.

-Hey! It wasn't that much- I said complaining.

-It was the biggest size Riley- He laughed even more.

My phone began to vibrate. I took it out. Luke?



-Luke what do you want?

-I need to tell you something- He said. Ughh noo, I don't want to see him.

-What?!- I snapped.

-No. Not by phone. In person.

-Luke I don't think I can...- He cut me off.

-Great, see you at Walmart at 6- He say's and hangs up. I groan.

-Who was it boo?- Tony asks.

-My ex- I said unpleased.

-Oh, what'd he want?- He says laughing. What I love about Tony, is that he's not the jealous type.. Unlike Luke who would beat the shit out of them.

-He wants to tell me something today- I said. He nods and smiles. I smile back and hug him. He's so tall. He's 6 ft. I'm 5"3 so i'm so short compared to him. But tall guys are my type anyways.

-Want me to drop you off babe?- He asks. I sigh and look at the time, 5:30.

-Yes please- I say. He smiles at me and opens the door of his car for me.

-Thank you- I said. He smirks at me and winks. I giggle.

-Where at boo?- He asks.

-Mmm Walmart- I say. He nods and drives off.

Once Tony arrives it's already 5:58.

-Do you want me to wait for you in the car babe?- He asks I nod and say thank you before stepping out and walking to Walmart's entrance.
so i'm waiting for Luke to show up. Eventually after a few minutes a car pulls up and Luke comes out with his hood up. He gets close to me and hugs me. I awkwardly hug back. He takes his hood off and I see he shaved his head. I tried not to laugh.

-Hi Riley- He smiled.

-Hi Luke- I smiled back.

-What did you want to tell me?- I said

-I've been thinking a lot lately. Like a lot- He smiled widely. I faked smiled.

-About what?- I laughed

-About us- He said laughing. I frowned.

-Um what us? There is no us anymore Luke- I said chuckling. His smile dropped.

-I thought about us these months and I-I- He smiled and kneeled down. Taking a little box out of his pocket. Oh god no. Tears were forming in my eyes.

-Riley babe, Will you marry me?- He said smiling. Oh no.

-I-I can't, n-n-no- I Stuttered. He stopped smiling.

-What? Why?- He said still on his knee.

-Luke I have a boyfriend- I said crying.

-You do?- He said his eyes tearing up. I nodded biting my lip. I feel so bad.

-You never loved me?- He said.

-Yes. I did love you, but you just never came back and you just kept hurting me. That's not a healthy relationship Luke- I said crying.

-Babe Not anymore I love you and only you, I will never hurt you again. Come on Riley, babe you know you love me, break up with your boyfriend and come with me- He said standing up and coming closer.

-Luke I can't I love him. And I'm..- I stopped. He was crying so bad.

-Babe you know I love you please- He said.

-It's too late- I whispered

-I fell in love with another man- I said

-But..- He said.

-And i'm pregnant with his baby. And i'm happy I am- I said confidently. His eyes widen.

-You are what?- He says.

-Pregnant- Said another voice. I looked at the side and Tony was walking towards me.

-Come on babe, let's go home- Tony says and hugs me.

-Riley please- Luke yells.

-It's too late bro, she's mine now- Tony says in a way if protection.

-Bye Luke. And i'm sorry- I say and turn around taking one of Tony's hand with mine and the other one in my tiny baby bump. I hope I made the right decision.

The End.

Well this is the end babe's😩 I know it's not a really happy ending as much of you expected. But this has been the ending in my min since I started this book. I just want to say Thank you for 35k reads. Thank you for those who voted and commented it meant the world to me. I love every single one of you. I really hope you liked this book. I feel sad that I finished, I grew a lot with this story and it just meant so much to me. Thank you all:)❤️😘❤️

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