Chapter 6: Battle Royale

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Sasuke smirked as he rushed right up to Haku, not bothering to wait for Kiba. This didn't worry Haku at all though as she easily blocked the punch and following kick. She watched as Sasuke got more and more frustrated with each blocked attempt, wondering how someone who fell into a rage so quickly ever became a ninja. She saw the other boy running over, so she quickly caught the kunai that was aimed at her and did one handed seals. "Sensatsu Suishō." Forming a dome of water senbon around them, she caused Kiba to stop in his tracks as he no longer able to get close without getting caught in the attack. Just before the attack was able to hit though, Sasuke disengaged and did a quick kawarimi with the only thing close enough. The only thing heard besides the sound of the senbon hitting flesh was a yell of "What the hell?" From Kiba and a yip of surprise from Akamaru who was now running to his downed owner.

Haku was sickened that the raven haired boy would use his teammate like that. The dog boy was lucky that she hadn't been aiming for any vital organs. He would live, but he was out of commission, so at least she only had to deal with the Uchiha. She would make him pay for hurting someone he should have been watching the back of. She would make him feel pain much worse than his teammate did. "You are despicable. Using a comrade to save yourself."

"Hah. I am the last Uchiha. He should be honored to die in order to save me. When you are the last of your bloodline that is just the way things work."

"Really now? So what happens then, when two of the last of their bloodlines meet and fight?"

"That's easy. The strongest bloodline wins, and there are none stronger than the sharingan."

"The sharingan huh? I've heard of it, but I don't see it in you."

Haku smirked behind her mask while Sasuke prickled at the jab. "It just hasn't activated yet. It takes a life or death situation to do so. Which means I haven't met an opponent strong enough to even be my equal let alone push me enough to be a challenge."

"Oh you have met one. He was even eating under the same roof as you. The blond one, Naruto."

"How dare you even compare such a weakling to me. A dead last like him could never be a challenge to one such as me."

"Perhaps, but now you face another who will be your challenge. Now we will see who has the stronger bloodline. You; an Uchiha who has no claim to the true nature of his name, or I; the last of the hyōton users and fully capable of using my bloodline. I will show you my greatest achievement. Try not to die too quick, mighty Uchiha. Makyō Hyōshō..."

Sasuke could only stand there as ice mirrors formed all around him. When he tried to escape through an opening that one hadn't formed in yet one immediately appeared to block his path. Smirking he gathered his chakra and performed his favorite jutsu. "Katon: Gōkakyu no Jutsu!" The fire blazed against the ice with Sasuke pouring as much chakra as he could into it. Smirking he ran through the smoke to hide his escape, but was stopped when he ran face first into the ice mirror he thought he had melted.

As Haku stepped into one of the mirrors, she laughed at the boy. "Your fire won't work against me dear Uchiha. This ice is imbued with my chakra. It would take a flame hotter then your little body can produce to even make them steam. Now learn your place in this world." As the last of her body melded with the mirror Haku's reflection was duplicated on every mirror in the dome. Sasuke looked on in horror for the first time in his life as each reflection drew a set of senbon. "Feel the pain of betrayal Uchiha." With that the senbon flew through the air toward the lone target.

• • •

Back at the house Naruto was just beginning to wake up. He felt a little sore in his chest, but after rubbing it he found the wound had already healed over. This would have surprised most people, but for him this was life as usual. It hadn't mattered how bad the beating or how many times he was stabbed. Most wounds he got were healed by the next day. After getting dressed and doing some morning stretches he was making his way downstairs when he heard a scream. He landed at the bottom with one jump, just in time to see a screaming Inari run out the front door.

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