Chapter 27: Finding the Truth

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"Enter." Came a tried voice after his knock was heard. Some startled snorting was heard as he opened the door, finding Chōza, Shikaku and Denbe trying to blink the sleep from their eyes. Most of the others looked to be half asleep, leaving only a few to seem to be actually somewhat attentive.

Putting on his biggest smile Naruto addressed the, less than alert, members of the council. "Greetings everyone, and how are we all on this wonderful morning?"

" in the hell can you be so hyper at two in the morning?" Tsunade grumbled with a yawn.

"Well when one has to sprint to across the village in less than five minutes, one tends to get their blood flowing." He grinned back at her.

"F-five minutes? We sent those messengers out over half an hour ago. What the hell were you doing the rest of the time?"

"I suppose I just didn't hear them when they first made their presence known." He rolled his eyes, expecting the glares from those that hated him. Obviously they were counting on him being late so they could blow the whole thing off.

"Anyways, you're here now so what was so damned important that I had to send someone to the hospital for waking me up so early?" The slug princess grumbled.

"I believe that would be the hearing for the supposed actions someone of my clan has attempted to take against another ninja, Tsunade-sama." Hiashi just oozed pleasantry as he tried to make himself look innocent of anything. "Hyūga Shoyo was detained four days ago for accused treasonous actions. Actions of which he supposedly has proof of. I have called this meeting to see said proof and to get my clansman out of prison as well as seek damages for these accusations."

Tsunade looked between the Hyūga head and the target of his harsh glare a few times before settling on Naruto. "Well...?"

"Would you like the evidence or the description of the events first?"

"We will see this so called evidence first, that way if you cannot prove what you have to say we won't have wasted time listening to your useless drivel." Denbe growled out. Obviously he was not too happy after having his beauty sleep interrupted.

"Understand that, should you not be able to produce adequate evidence, there will be repercussions for making us all come here for no reason."

"I understand, Utatane-san, so long as Hyūga-san understands that he will be under the same stipulations."

Naruto ignored the backlash of his disrespect as he fished out the scroll that Shoyo had been hiding in the missions hall."This is my main piece of evidence. This scroll is a signed mission from someone in the Hyūga clan for the person who accepts to incapacitate them and bring them to a previously discussed location in order to apply the Hyūga Sōke no Juinjutsu to a non-Hyūga ninja of this village. In this case, Hinata."

"Hinata? As in Hyūga Hinata, the clan heir? While it's a bit distasteful for him to do such a thing as a father, it's hardly outside of his rights Naruto..." Tsunade may have been a little behind the times, but she at least knew a bit about the politics of the village.

"That would be true Tsunade-sama, but Hiashi decided to disown Hinata awhile ago and kicked her out of the clan. She is no longer a Hyūga, legally, and as such is out of his jurisdiction." Shikaku droned out to fill her in on some recent events.

Tsunade glared at the Hyūga head. "You disowned and exiled your own daughter. Hiashi, your wife would be skinning you alive if she were still alive."

"Then it's a good thing she isn't. Now I suggest we get back on topic. Let me see this so called evidence boy." The coldness in his voice shocked Tsunade a bit. He had not been like that when she had still been in the village.

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