Chapter 12: Exam Start

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A few days before the start of the exam found team eight and team eleven walking through the streets of Konoha. Based on outward appearances, none of them had changed at all save for a few additions to their wardrobe. A weapon here and an extra pouch there was all that showed they had done anything new at all for the past near month of training. The only really noticeable difference was that they all seemed to be regarding Naruto with a bit of disdain, but at the same time if one looked closely they could see that they had a certain level of respect for the blond. Even Kurenai, who was not with them at the time, had changed her point of view towards the boy. When her peers asked her about her new accessories she simply said that they were safety precautions and would leave it at that. Those who were still actively pursuing her though found that she hadn't just picked them up for show and was actually able to utilize them somewhat, much to their dismay.

True to Naruto's words, team eight had been approached by some rather undesirable people. Anyone from team seven's genin to the civilian council. Even Sakura's mother approached them claiming to want 'what was best' for her daughter. Every time they were approached it was the same thing though. "What business do you have in the Yondaime's estate?", "Why are you playing with that dobe so much?", "Tell us what that baka is doing in there!", "We demand you tell us what you are learning as it may help the Uchiha succeed." and just like Naruto said they didn't have to say a word. Sure they were threatened with everything from being forced off active duty to torture from Ibiki, but after constant refusal to give away their secrets each person had to back down. Especially after they were threatened, after one too many trips to the Hokage, that those punishments would be wrought on them if they didn't stop interrupting his work. After about a week and a half of trying to bully out what they wanted, They had actually tried gaining entrance to the property. They tried scaling the walls which ended up in a few knocked out members of team seven, forcing their way in as the gate closed which was met with a greater force back considering team eleven plus team eight were ready for them knowing they would try such a thing and the two elders even tried forging papers from the Hokage saying that they were to be granted immediate entrance to secure anything that may be of use to the last Uchiha. That last one got Naruto rather pissed and ended up with him literally dragging the advisers and their precious, though thankfully once more unconscious, Uchiha to the Hokage tower as everyone in the way shrunk back from the killing intent he radiated. The whole trip a pink haired tramp was screaming after them giving Sarutobi ample time to prepare for the imminent storm. After that incident the events died down a little. Sasuke still attempted to gain entrance every now and then, but the advisers were more or less curbed.

"So why are we taking a walk now Naruto-san?" Harume now had a wakizashi strapped to her back and her jutte at her side. She was now proficient with both weapons, not a master by any means, but good enough that she wouldn't stab herself and could actually pose a threat.

"The exams start soon, so that means our competition will be starting to drift in. We're looking for them to see what we might be up against, so hide what you can of your abilities." Once said Harume moved her jutte a bit so it was hidden by her clothing, but there was little she could do about her sword. "Good, now be on the lookout for anyone that doesn't belong." They spent the next two hours just walking around chatting as though they were just a bunch of friends hanging out. Initially they didn't see anyone that didn't belong, but as time went by they started seeing more and more ninja from other villages. There wasn't much to go by, but they could at least see some of the weapons they would be up against. They could easily tell who were new to the exams though. The ones that were looking around in every direction at once trying to decided what to do in a foreign village. Then there were the veterans. Ninja that had taken this test before and for one reason or another had to take it again. Those ninja just sat around in restaurants or walked casually through the streets not even bothering to look at their surroundings except when a hot girl or guy would walk by. The group already had to give out several warnings on conduct in a foreign village to numerous people. Most of which just snuffed at them before walking off to find new prey.

Naruto One Man Team by AckdamWhere stories live. Discover now