Chapter 8: What Matters Most

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Throughout their trip home the silence was only broken by Kakashi as he gave the rare perverted giggle as he read his book. Kiba managed to release one as well when he was able to read a few lines over the jōnin's shoulder before he was told to pay attention to where he was going just in time to miss the tree he was headed for. Other then that, the only action that took place were the glares that Sakura and Sasuke sent between their sensei and the two at the rear of the group. It had only taken until the bridge was out of sight for Sasuke's smile to be wiped away as he realized that both his sensei and his new rival had gotten more attention then him. Sakura just picked up on his mood and followed like an obedient puppy. Naruto and Haku paid no attention though as they sped through the trees in a straight line towards Konoha. They decided that the forest would be the best place to travel now that all of the genin knew how to stick to the trees. It was less of a risk that way then to be seen traveling the roads, and truth be told they had all had enough action for awhile.

When they were close enough to the village they dropped down to the road before entering so as to not arouse suspicion. After all, any person seen coming or leaving via any means other then the main gate was to be treated as an enemy nin until proven otherwise. So unless someone had a great desire to meet the Konoha interrogation squad it was advised that everyone use the main gate. Upon seeing the group entering, the two chūnin at the guard post waved them over. "Good afternoon Kakashi-san. We would have let you pass freely but there seems to be an unfamiliar face among your group. As visitors must sign in, we'll be forced to hold you here until she does."

"Meh, Go ahead Kakashi-san. I'll make sure Haku-chan gets signed in. After all she is under my protection, and since you aren't my sensei you have no obligation to stay. I'll see you at the Hokage office for debriefing soon." Naruto motioned them to continue on noticing Kakashi's forceful hand on Sasuke's shoulder as he lead his team away. Turning back towards the two chūnin and Haku he took her step by step through the sign in process before making their way to the Hokage tower.

Little did they know that it was all the delay that Kiba would need to start the next small upset in Naruto's life. During their walk to the tower Kakashi's team encountered one pale-eyed Hyūga heiress as she was walking towards the gate. Signaling that he needed a couple seconds, Kiba bounded over to her before anyone could object. Leaning down he whispered in her ear. "You may want to greet your boyfriend and his new woman. I hear they even slept together during our mission. I know this probably hurts, but if you need someone to talk to, I'm always available." Grinning he went back to his team and they continued to the tower, leaving a dumbstruck Hinata standing in the middle of the street not knowing what to do.

"Kiba what did you say to Hinata?" Kakashi fixed a glare on the boy who shrunk back a bit but stood his ground.

"Personal business Kakashi-sensei. Don't worry about it."

Though he knew it was nothing good there was nothing Kakashi could do about it. Their mission was over and what was said couldn't be a threat to anything that happened already. Sighing he continued on. Due to that small delay they met up with Naruto and Haku as they were about to enter the tower.

"Oi, I thought you would already be inside. What kept you?"

"Kiba-kun had to stop and talk to Hinata about something that apparently couldn't wait." Kakashi again fixed the boy with a glare followed by Naruto and Haku, but his own grin was mirrored on the faces of Sasuke and Sakura. 'Something is not going to end well soon.' Before any fights could break out in the middle of the street, Kakashi ushered them all inside.

As they made their way up the steps Haku tried to comfort Naruto any way she could. "Since this is most likely about us, I'll go with you to help sort out whatever he said to her."

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