Chapter 22: A Fight Amongst Sannin

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Disclaimer: I don't even own an orange jumpsuit.

It had taken them awhile to get to the meeting point due to Shizune needing to heal Jiraiya a bit to keep him going, and heal her own stomach where Tsunade had punched her to knock her out earlier. Neither injury was life threatening, but having them healed would give them a better fighting chance in the battle to come. They knew even before they hit the dirt road that they were too late. Their fears were confirmed as they saw the newly wrecked wall and the obvious path leading through it.

"Looks like we won't have to use Tonton to track them after all, whatever the gaki and Orochimaru said must have pissed her off. I haven't seen craters like that for decades..."

Shizune stood wide-eyed at the destruction before them. "Hai, I haven't seen her this mad since those Yakuza tried to openly peek on her in the hot springs."

Memories of his own run in with Tsunade at the hot springs made Jiraiya shudder involuntarily. "Well, not much we can do standing around here. Let's get going."

"Right." The two shot through the hole in the wall, following the numerous areas where the landscape had been recently remodeled. They only slightly lost the trail a couple of times, which was easily remedied by walking over the crest of the next hill or standing on a large rock or tree nearby.

"*Huff*...*Huff*...Stop running you bastard! I'm going to make you into a stain on the grass!" Tsunade yelled out in rage.

'Yeah that'll keep him in one spot.' Naruto just rolled his eyes from his hiding spot behind a large boulder not too far away.

"Why Tsunade, you seem tired. Is old age finally starting to creep up on you?" The Hebi-sannin was forced to dodge again as a chakra powered hammer fist was brought down where he once stood. 'If one of those even scrapes me it'll be game over...' Before he had time to think further she was after him again.

This time it was Kabuto who reacted as he took out a kunai and...sliced his own hand right in front of Tsunade's face. As soon as the crimson liquid enterred the woman's sight she collapsed in a heap. 'The hell?' Naruto thought as he hadn't seen any actual attack. He continued to watch as Kabuto simply punted the slug princess away from the pair.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk Tsunade. Still afraid of a little blood? What kind of medic are you? Now I don't even have to lift a finger...not that I can. Kabuto, take care of her please." Orochimaru decided to take a front row seat in order to watch the show as Kabuto proceeded to hit and kick Tsunade around the plains.

'Shit...Hemophobia? Didn't expect that from a legendary medic. Come on Ero-Sennin, we could really use you here about now. If this keeps up much longer we're going to need a legendary medic for screw it.' Naruto couldn't watch such a one sided fight anymore, so he quietly made a dozen clones and ordered them to fan out. This wasn't the time for a rash charge. Kabuto was still an unknown, and for all they knew he could simply level the area and take them all out. Grabbing a few shuriken, he got ready to head into the fray just as Kabuto was kicking Tsunade in his direction. As soon as he deemed them close enough he launched his attack. Kunai, shuriken and senbon rained towards Kabuto and Orochimaru forcing them to back off as Naruto rushed in to grab Tsunade.

"It's that brat! Kabuto kill Tsunade now!" Orochimaru ordered, to which his assistant readily obeyed. Kabuto dodged and weaved through the hail of steel as he made his way towards the, still downed, sannin. He quickly made a chakra scalpel as he neared, but was denied his target when a new wave of shuriken came at him from directly in front. As if that weren't bad enough he had to deal with the extra effect of fighting against someone who had access to the leaf's more formidable jutsu.

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