Chapter 33: End of an End at the End

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Dark shapes bounded past the clearing where Chōji was resting against a tree to regain his energy before he tried to return home. None of them stopped as their mission would not allow them such a reprieve. Blank masks ignored the young man as they swiftly jumped past an into the brush beyond, not even caring that they had been spotted as knowledge of their existence no longer mattered as much as it once did. They had seen the flare shoot up and rushed towards it, knowing that it was a notice to all squads to converge on that point.

Having already been on the trail of the Uchiha since their leader was smart enough to know where the boy would be heading or, at least, he had spies smart enough to inform him of where to look. They were probably the closest to the successful team's point of contact currently. Even so they rushed themselves in order to stay ahead of any other squads that may be rerouting to the confirmed position.

The hefty boy below them only caught a small, blurred glimpse of the passing squad. He grinned at the sight, thinking it was their backup, not even worried that they hadn't stopped to see if he was alright. Had he been a little more healthy he may have noticed such things but as it was he was barely hanging onto consciousness. It probably wouldn't have mattered either way due to his condition, but perhaps he could have gotten another warning flare off to get the other teams moving a little faster.

Regardless, it took another twenty minutes for another team to show up. This team was considerate enough to drop down and make sure he was, at least, still alive. They had come in from the west whereas the previous team had come from closer to Konoha.

"Akimichi-san are you ok?" The voice was muffled, but understandable.

"I'm still alive, but that's about it right now. Pretty hungry though..." Chōji half slurred.

The person kneeling over him turned to their comrades, on of the other indistinct blobs in his vision. "He's responsive but that's about all. Someone should probably get him back to the village."

"You sure are nicer than that last team. I don't think they even looked at me." The boy lazily chatted just before drifting off.

"Another team? I don't recall anyone else in this area. We may have more enemies than previously thought. You, get him back to the village. The rest of us will go on ahead. If you see any other teams on the way back, tell them to double time it. We'll want as much backup as possible for this new threat. When you get back to the village get him to the medics first, then ask that a medic team be sent in pursuit. I don't believe this will be the only casualty. Also, tell Tsunade-sama that we'll need someone on cleanup for the bodies, for either side..." Had Chōji still been conscious he may have felt himself being picked up and seen the group heading away from him as his escort sped back toward the village, ignorant of the world and the mission that was far over the head of any normal genin.

· · ·

Haku sighed for about the twentieth time. She had yet to spot hide or hair of anyone else from the team. Indeed, it was a small blessing that they had marked their trail as they went for her, as well as any support teams, to follow. As she made to jump to the next branch she found her foot didn't want to follow the same path as it stubbornly stuck to the previous limb. She only had time for a small shriek of surprise as her vision shifted from her intended target to the ground far below, she scanned for anything that she might be able to grab onto to stop her fall. There was nothing between her and the forest floor far below. Her decent was brought to an abrupt halt though as someone grabbed her and took them on a bouncing path to the ground where they met up with a third person.

"H-Hinata! Thanks." Haku bowed to her savior.

"That's what friends are for Haku. You don't have to thank me." Hinata replied with a kind smile.

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