Chapter 20: Sasuke's Fate

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"Argh! This is hopeless!" Sasuke threw yet another scroll to the corner of the room. The growing pile there was only slightly disturbed as the new addition flew in. "Why did the dobe seal up every one of these things with a blood seal? It's like he's trying to keep everything he knows from me, even when he's nearly dead. How did he even survive that stab? Dammit this pisses me off! ...At least I have my sword now." A rare grin spread across his face as he unsheathed the blade and held it in front of his face. The blade had impressed one of the seven swordsmen so it had to be powerful. Just how powerful he didn't know...yet. "Don't worry. Once you tell me your secrets I will get vengeance on the dobe, then you will help me with my main objective and I will bathe you in my brother's blood."

"Well I find that a little hard to believe."

Sasuke's head shot around as the current avatar of his hatred walked into the room. "Nar-u-to!" Rage filled him as he stood up and brandished his new sword in front of him. "How dare you come here. I will have you arrested for breaking into the Uchiha compound and defiling it's grounds with your presence!"

"Ouch...Don't you think that's a bit harsh?" The blond said as he casually stepped into the room. "And it's no more offensive for me to be here then it was for you to steal from me. Add onto that the fact that you stabbed me and I'd say I have every right to be here."

"Psh. You didn't deserve what was given to you, so I took it upon myself as the last remaining member of the military police to ensure balance was restored in Konoha by eliminating the one that would dare to challenge our ways."

"Sasuke-chan, you are no closer to being one of the military police then I am to being Hokage, so don't think for one second that you have any authority over me. Now about my scrolls and my sword..." Naruto took another step forward and Sasuke responded by moving between him and his scrolls while activating his sharingan and readying the black bladed katana.

"You mean my scrolls and my sword! I saved them from your retched embrace and now all I need is a little of your blood to claim them completely. All I need is for you to walk onto my blade like the stupid lemming you are and we can end this." His hand shook in excitement for the possibility of finally getting something useful from the dobe, but he was forced to stunt those thoughts quickly as he found himself blocking a blood red blade, completely by reflex. 'H-how did he do that? My sharingan could hardly keep up.' Gritting his teeth Sasuke pushed the blond back and tried to focus more.

Meanwhile Naruto was considering his options. 'If I try to do a jutsu he might figure out the sword's ability and put me on the receiving end, but with his sharingan he has an advantage of reaction time. At the same time he can still do jutsu on me, but he would have to sheath his sword and risks burning down this house.' It was almost a stalemate and he was having trouble thinking of how to turn the fight in his favor. He didn't let such emotions show however. That would have built up the Uchiha's confidence. "Not bad Sasuke, but you're definitely no sword master. I'm interested in seeing how long you can keep it up though. Especially against multiple opponents. Feel free to draw all the blood you want as well. It won't do you any good on those seals." A few clones popped up around him as he charged in again.

Dodging, blocking, strafing and rolling were all a part of Sasuke's new found ambition to make it through the fight as he tried desperately to find an opening in any of his attackers' defenses. "You can't beat an Uchiha dobe, and now that I have my sharingan you have no hope of beating me!" Lashing out clumsily he managed to dispel a couple of clones taking the count down to two on one. They slowly circled him as he tried to keep both in his sight. It was a difficult feat considering they kept trying to get on opposite sides, but every time they moved he moved. Soon he had to make his way outside as the room and house proved to be too small for him to maneuver without risk of being backed into a corner.

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