I definitely didn't binge watch Naruto (2)

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*Kakashi POV*

"I've got quite the interesting batch, I hope you'll pass." I said, much to the confusion of almost everyone yet they didn't comment on it, this was probably because they knew they'd get an answer later however Naruto not having such foresight began to question me. Which was a blessing. I get to rattle up new recruits. Gauge reactions and understand them even further.

"Its just that...hahahahaha!" I began to laugh. This carried on until Sakura had the gall to ask me why I was laughing without hiding her irritation.

"Why are you laughing, sensei?"

At least she added sensei to the end.

"Its just that of the 27 members graduating your class, only nine will actually be accepted as junior level Shinobi. The other eighteen will have to go back for more training."

I prepared for the main line, pausing to see whether people reacted. No reaction from Ayanokouji at all. The closest to unreactive after him was Sasuke but that was only since he wasn't one to show his emotional state and made an effort to hide it. When it came to Ayanokouji I, strangely enough, had begun to speculate that he didn't feel emotion at all.

Sakura and Naruto were clearly devastated at what I said though I suspected that only Sakura understood.

"The test we're about to perform has a 66% rate of failure"

Naruto felt shock.

Sakura was clearing anxious

Sasuke was obviously perplexed and looked like he would take the situation seriously.

Then there was Ayanokouji, this only strengthened my shaky believe that he didn't feel emotions. Which if the case was a double edged sword. It meant that he would sacrifice his teammates at the blink of an eye but it also meant he would complete the mission no matter what.

That bitter-sweet question once more.

Do the sacrifices matter so long as you succeed in the mission?

I pushed the sad thoughts of mine to the back of my mind. Now wasn't the time to have a flashback. I was busy ushering the new generation of ninja, to be better than we were.

I then absentmindedly told them the time at which we would meet, where to meet me, what equipment to bring and to not eat lunch.


Everything until after the Sasuke fight doesn't diverge from canon but its just Ayanokouji finding Sasuke before Sasuke fights Kakashi and formulating a strategy.

I realized that Sasuke wasn't on his own after i pulled him in the ground and began to lecture him. I realized because I felt a heavy axe-kick directed towards me, it would probably have knocked me out.

I dodged to my left and was now face to face with Ayanokouji Kiyotaka who was as calm as ever, his hair blew in the wind.

"So, was Sasuke bait? Did he know that he was bait?" I asked him, this would greatly help me understand if at the least these two had passed or failed.

"At first there was an argument on who was going to be bait but after logically breaking it down he agreed."

That was interesting, what did he mean by logically breaking it down?

"What do you mean by logically breaking it down?" I once again inquired of him, surprised that he was that laid back to keep the conversation going for so long.

"Well what would you think if the strongest member of the group approached you alone? That the team was still dysfunctional and scattered since if someone were to be bait, it would be the weakest. In Naruto's case it was quite clear he wasn't when you started reading your book but no one had tried to attack you alongside him."

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