Chapter 13: You're So Beautiful

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I found myself pulling away from him because I couldn't hold my breath anymore. He rested his head against mine and we both started breathing heavily. I noticed how his chest rose in sync with mine.

His eyes stared into mine and I suddenly forgotten how to breathe. Then he smiled. A full blown breath taking smile and I swear my head was going to expode.

"You had enough?" He asked me with his eyes roaming over my face. I took a deep breath before shaking my head no.

I switched my position on his lap so I was straddling him and laid my hands on his shoulders. I was surprised I was so comfortable in this position but I wasn't about to second guess myself. It felt right. He closed his eyes and took another breath.

"I'm not sure you know what you doing babe." He said after he finally opened his eyes again. He fixated them on me again and I found myself smiling.

I nodded my head to confirm that I did. I lowered my head to meet his lips. He gripped my hips and I grinded my waist on him. He groaned and I did it again. Next my shirt was gone off my body and his eyes were roaming over my torso. Again I was surprised that the feeling was so right.

His warm hands slid up from my waist on my sides as he said "You're so beautiful.".

I tried hard to control it but I couldn't; I smiled at him. Before I could say thank you, my head bumped on the top of the carriage.

I noticed he bit his lips to stop himself from laughing.

"Well don't ask if I'm fine or anything." I said climbing off him. I grabbed my shirt and threw it on again. I crossed my arms like a defiant child and turned away from him. I had to admit I would be laughing at him if he was in that position but I would made sure he's fine.

He finally chuckled before grabbing me from underneath my knees and placed me in his lap like a baby. He kissed the top of my head  and my lips twitched at the cute gestured. My head laid on his chest where I could hear his heart beating steadily and I truly loved the sound. It was almost hypnotizing.

I uncrossed my arms and placed them on his chest and fell in a comfortable sleep.


What in Goddess' name is wrong with me?

My heart should belong to all the werewolves in the world,even those bastard rogues, but my heart at the moment only belonged to the sleeping figure in my lap. I was being selfish.

The way she grinded her hips on me..

"Clear your mind Alerick." I had to inform myself repeatedly. There will be plenty of time for Erica when I get rid of these rogues. They are out of control. I was terrified after they came close to attacking Erica.

Damn it! I'm back to Erica again.

I looked out the carriage window and noticed how close we are to the castle.The ride back was much shorter than anticipated. I'm quite aware it was because of my distraction. My beautiful goddess like distraction.


I couldn't wait to get out and stretch my legs. I can't wait to show Erica around. I was one hundred percent sure she would love the castle grounds and that everyone would love her.


I looked down at her again and couldn't help but to notice how beautiful she was. I smiled again. She made me smile more in one day than I have in a couple months.

The carriage slowed down and I knew that meant we were on castle grounds. I peered outside and saw my third-in-command, Gary.

I got out the carriage still holding  Erica in my hands when Gary addressed me.

"Well look who's back and he brought a present."

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