Chapter 3: Tonight's Gala

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Diane POV

Ugh, where is this girl? She said that she wouldn't be late for this gala. She was looking forward to it. "Is there a problem, Ms. Foxington?" I turn around and see the police chief with her troops. "Oh, it's nothing. I'm just waiting for my friend. Strangely, she's never been late." I said with a hint of worry in my tone. "Maybe I should track her car to see where she is-" "Wait! There she is!" Marmalade pointed as her car parked up in front of the red carpet and came Y/n. People begin to take pictures and ask her questions about the event.

"Girl! Where were you?! We've been waiting for you!" I exclaimed as I came up to her. "Well, If I tell you guys what happened, you wouldn't believe it." She said. "*sighs* Alright, I'll let this one slide but don't scare me like that. We thought you were kidnapped or something." I said. "Again, mom, don't worry. I can take care of myself." She chuckled, I raised an eyebrow. She's thinking that she might be slick.

Your POV

"It's really impressive that you're able to come up to being this well known for others and to come to this gala tonight. But how are you able to get through with it coming up to this gala?" Tiffany Fluffit asked. "Well, it gets hard at the beginning but you can always find a way to get back up on your feet. Especially when some people think that you aren't gonna make it." I said to the reporters. "And guess what? They're wrong and I'm standing" I saw a man wearing a white tuxedo, hat and some shades. But through those shades, I recognize those eyes.

'Is that...?! There's no way that's him!' "Uh, Ms. L/N?" I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at the reporters with concerned faces. "Are you okay? Something's wrong?" "Oh, no! I'm fine! It's just that I have to meet someone for myself. See you all later!" I exclaimed before I looked for that..."mysterious guy" As I looked for the person, I looked down at the staircase and saw the same guy reaching for the old woman's purse. Oh, heck no! I immediately rushed towards the stairs to stop but to my surprise, he helped the woman to get back on her feet before she was about to fall.

"Here, let me help you. Are you okay ma'am?" He said. "Oh my gracious, yes! I may be dizzy but I'm alive! Thanks to you!" Old woman exclaimed as she hugged the person. I looked at the man's face and for some reason, he looked nervous. But why though? "Thank you, dear. You're such a good boy." She said before leaving the guy there frozen. He gets up and looks at the woman as she walks down the stairs. I look back at him and almost burst out of laughter when his tail pops out from his pants and starts wagging like a dog.

"So, are you a criminal or a dog?" I said, making him jump in surprise as he turned around and saw you. "W-Wait, what are- what are you doing here?" Wolf asked. "Shouldn't I ask you that? What are you and the others doing here? Let me guess, you all are here to steal the Golden Dolphin?" I said, raising my eyebrow at him as he looked surprised and was...blushing? Why is he blushing? "Wait! Wolf, how did she know?!" Was that Ms. Tarantula on the wire?! "How did you know that we're here for the Golden Dolphin?" He asked.

"What's the other reason to steal the most valuable thing here? A crush or a date?" I joked but I noticed that his face was turning more red. "Hey, are you okay-" "Ladies and gentlemen! May I have your attention at stage, please!" "Oh, right! They're about to give out the awards! Um, I guess we can see each other anytime or day soon. Bye!" I exclaimed then I went to Diane.

Narrator POV

"Wolf? Wolf, can you hear me?" Wolf snapped out of his thoughts and responded "Y-Yeah, yeah, I'm here. What happened, webs?" He asked. "Shark got the gold and it's time to go! So, quit looking at your future fiancé." She said then the others chucked through the hearing device. (Idk what to call them) That only made Wolf blush even darker. "SHE IS NOT MY GIRLFRIEND OR FIANCÉ!" He growled. As he was about to leave, he heard your voice. "It is such an honor to be here at this gala. To reward the people who achieve so much over years and to this day!" You said as the crowd cheered.

"I started at a rough time with family like my father/mother but they always told me "No matter how many times you get knocked down, you can always find a way to get yourself back up." And now, let me give the microphone to my good friend, Professor Marmalade." You said before giving Marmalade a microphone and his agent places him onto the stool. "I agree with Ms. L/N, even though your life is down and hard, you can find a solution to make life much easier. But the real thing is about the good that everyone can spread out into throughout the whole world." Marmalade said.

"Being good just feels so good. And when you are good, you are loved." Wolf smiles a bit as he listens at his speech but then again, his tail was wagging. "Wolf! Wolf, what are you doing? Let's go!" Snake silently exclaimed from behind while his friend tried to stop his tail from wagging. But that only caught one of the guest's attention. "IT'S THE BAD GUYS!" They shouted, grabbing everyone's attention. "ARREST THEM!" The Police Chief shouted as hundreds of guards came rushing out and circling The Bad Guys. "They stole the Golden Dolphin!" She shouted.

"Come on! You can't prove that!" Wolf chuckled as he leaned on Shark, which the trophy fell out from his dress, having everyone to look at it. "My Baby!" Shark exclaimed in feminine voice as he grabbed it. "On your knees, The Bad Guys! Put your hands up!" "Never! We're out of here!" Snake exclaimed. Then Wolf takes out a grappling hook and shoots it through the glass roof. "So long, suckers!" He smirked but before he could escape, he caught your eyes looking at him. He winked at your direction, making you slightly blush.

But when the rope started reeling in, it didn't pull up The Bad Guys. It only ripped out Wolf's pants, showing pink underwear with white hearts along with it. You tried so hard not to laugh right now but you could barely hold it in. "Well, this just got a little weird." Wolf said awkwardly.

In Love with a Criminal ~ The Bad Guys (Mr. Wolf x Fem! Animal! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now