Reanimated meets Book Series

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You were gazing through your phone, trying find something that'll entertain yourself until you come across a book that has The Bad (Good) Guys on the cover but they look kinda...odd. "Hmm, weird." You muttered then someone covers your eyes. "Who the- Wolfie, I know it's you." You chuckled as you turn around to see Wolf putting his hands up in defeat. "Alright, you caught me. Anyways, what are you looking at, N/N? Something else caught your eye?" He asked. "Oh, just that I've found some book cover that has you and the gang on the cover but you guys kinda look weird on it. I'm not judging, just saying." You said.

"Weird? And what makes you say that-" You show him the picture of the cover and gets the reaction. "Oh, we do look kinda weird. But why would they make my eyes look too far apart?" Wolf questioned. "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!" "I think I know who's voice that belongs to." Wolf said. "Guys, what the heck is this?! Who make a book that made me to look like a 6 inch worm?!" Snake shouted as he and the rest came down the stairs. "And they made the spider in that book a male. It's like they can't tell the difference between genders or something?" Webs said.

"Oh, you think that's bad? These chicos decided to turn me into real fish. And I had to flop around to place to place with sticks and stones going up my-" "Okay, Piranha m, we get it." You said. "What about you, Shark?  How you feel about your book cover design?" "If the author allow me to say my comments about this, I would've say it already." He said. "Okay, but imagine we could really met these book series versions of us, it could get a little weirder than this." You said. "Okay then, if you asked for it." I said (the author) before I snap my fingers. "Wait a second, SHE SAID IMAGINE, NOT REALLY-" 

A portal pop up in the living and out came the book series versions of the crew. 

Bold - Book series     Normal - Reanimated

"Ugh, my head. What happened?" Mr. Wolf groaned as he slowly gets up while rubbing his head. "According to this, it seems like we're in some alternative world where everything's all colorful instead black, gray and white." Mr. Tarantula said. "Piranha's fault." Mr. Snake said. "HOLD UP, CHICO! My fault?!" Mr. Piranha shouted. "Whatever this place, it's really nice for house." Mr. Shark said before he notice the reanimated versions of them staring at them. "Uh, guys? We've got company." He pointed at the crew for the gang to notice.

"Well, there goes our day." Webs said. "Wow, and I thought the book cover was different than meeting the real ones." You said. "Who are you?" Mr. Wolf asked. "We are you but more animated and full of color. Anyways, you're in Los Angeles." Wolf said. "Wait a sec, are you..our reanimated versions of ourselves?" Mr. Tarantula questioned. "Well, it's not a magical mirror that you are looking at, huh?" Shark said. "Wait, since when do sharks have arms and legs in this world? Our book author didn't give me any!" Mr. Shark exclaimed. "Hey, blame the topic that he didn't thought of it for your adventures or series." Snake said.

"Anyways, what's your story? What strange and interesting adventures that you guys had to go through?" Wolf asked. "Well, it's mostly strange but a little interesting. I had to an idea to change ourselves to The Good Guys instead of being scary ones to others. But we had to break into a high tech chicken farm with thousands of chickens inside." Mr. Wolf said. "Escape a crazy mad scientist Guinea pig who wants get to rib of anything that's cute and cuddly." Mr. Piranha added. 

"Survive a apocalypse of zombie kittens (zittens)." Mr. Tarantula said. "Found out that Guinea pig scientist is actually an alien with tentacles that has butts at the end of them." Mr. Snake said. "Time travel to when dinosaurs are here but actually got one on our team." Mr. Shark said. "Gotten superpowers and end it off by becoming the WOLRD'S BEST HEROS!" Wolf exclaimed. The reanimated crew stared at them for a bit until You said "Wow, you guys had a big adventure that you went through. *whispers* Kinda wish that happened to us." 

"Yeah, I've never knew that you fight aliens and had kittens becoming zombies." Webs said. "Yeah, a lot can happened." Piranha said. "Speaking of which, I've didn't get to know who you are, señorita." "Hm? Oh, I'm Y/N, I'm kinda famous around here in this city and have something that nobody could have." You said. "Lemme guess? A heart unlike this snake?" He pointed at Mr. Snake then gets slap from him. "Hmm, no but yes. This." You said before you poof up into your beast form, surprising the book series. "Yeah, it runs in the family but most of the time, it sometimes get out of control." You said. 

"How come we didn't get met her in our world?" Mr. Tarantula questioned but the others shrugged. "Okay, but don't you know a two people named (Ellen) Fox or Marmalade?" Mr. Shark asked. "Fox or Marmalade...Oh, you must be talking about the Governor." Shark said. The book series look at each other before questioning "The Governor?" "Our Fox is an agent like her friends." Mr. Wolf said. "Right, different universe." Piranha said as he took the remote and turn on the tv to show Diane Foxington on the tv, talking to the reporters.

"Oh, so, that's your fox." Mr. Snake said. "Yeah, she may be the Governor but she can be very slick." Mr. Wolf said. "Alright, you furries, reptiles and ocean creatures, time to say goodbye." I said. "Wait, what? I've get the chance to show my disguises to them." Shark said. "I know, Shark but there's a lint that if they didn't get to their own world, something might happened in alternate universes." I said. "Well, it was fun while it lasted. See you you guys in somewhat universe?" Webs asked. "Who knows? That's the future might decide." Mr. Wolf said. 

Everyone laughed it off then said goodbye to the book series crew before they jump into their portal and went home.

In Love with a Criminal ~ The Bad Guys (Mr. Wolf x Fem! Animal! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now