Chapter 9: One Year Later

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Narrator POV

Wolf and Snake were walking down the hall to the exit/entrance of the prison as today is the crew's last day in prison. "So, imagine it's your birthday." Wolf said. "It is my birthday." Snake replied. "Yeah, I know but you were walking along and you met a genie." Wolf said. "Okay, what's his name?" Snake asked. "What's the genie's name?" "Yeah, I want to know who am I talking to." Snake said. "I don't know. Genie or Gene for short." Wolf said as he gets his coat and gestures gun points at the guards.

"So, he offers you three wishes. And what would you want to granted?" Wolf asked. "Well, I got my freedom ..." Snake smirked. As they went out the door to met the rest of the crew waiting for them. "Hey!" Tarantula exclaimed. "Guys!" Shark pointed at the two. "Ay, hermano! Looking good!" Piranha said as he jump to give Wolf a high-five. "I've got friends...what else could I even want?" Snake said. They all chuckled by the remark as they continue walk out the doors of the prison and reach to the side of the road. The crew look to the left and froze with blank faces.

"So, uh, what now?" Tarantula questioned. "Steal a car?" Piranha guessed. "PIRANHA!" Wolf glared with the others. "I'm joking! I was joking!" He exclaimed. "Really wish we could use a ride." Snake said. "Actually, we can." Wolf said then he snaps his fingers then out of nowhere, their car came driving towards them with Diane on the wheel. "Hey, guys! Ready to get down to business?" Diane said then kitten from last time jump into Wolf's arms. "Hey!" He exclaimed as the kitten purrs and snuggles him.

The crew jump in the car and Wolf looks at the readers. "Hey, you! Yeah, come closer. I said CLOSER!" He exclaimed as the screen went in for a closer look to his face. "Yeah, there's gonna be some pretty good changes. And we're gonna make it happen." He said as he and the others put on sunglasses. "Oh, that reminds me. Everyone's gonna be at the hospital because I heard that a special person named Y/N is gonna wake up after so long." Diane said. The Bad- I mean, GOOD Guys lit up with surprise and gets excited quickly by the minute Diane says your name.

"Wait, really?" Wolf asked. "She's coming back? But w-we thought she was gone!" Piranha exclaimed. "Well, apparently she isn't. I got a call from the hospital and they say that her heart rate is increasing after so long. The word gets out and the city is getting ready for her." Diane said. "Well, then why are we just sitting for? LET'S GO!" Wolf shouted before he immediately sped down the road and into the city.

Meanwhile in the City

Half of the city was waiting outside the hospital and excited to see you again. News reporters were giving out everything about what's happening today. "I'm Tiffany Fluffit and I'm behind the Los Angles hospital with half the city waiting for Y/N L/N the F/A to wake up after a long year gap." She said to the camera. "The whole event started when Dr. Rupert Marmalade was arrested for attempted murder, heist and kidnapping. But The Bad Guys able to take down the evil professor and serve their time for a year and now, I'm revciving word that they're now on their way here. *gasp* IT'S THEM! THEY'RE COMING!" She exclaimed as she pointed at the white car coming up and parked in front of the entrance.

Then out came, your parents waving at the people as they give out an applause. "OMG! An shocking discovery, that the Cyber Hacker Assassin and the Fearsome Savage Psychopath are known be Y/N's long lost parents! Excuse me, Sir and Miss. A word?" She asked the two F/As. "Yes, Tiffany? What is it?" Y/M/N asked. "First, big fan of your work. Second, how it feel to finally meet and see your child after so much time." Tiffany questioned. "Actually, it's relieving that we found out that our daughter has a life to take care of her own. And find out that she's doing the best for others and herself." Your mother answered.

"It's really surprising that she's still alive from after we separated and now, we're all happy now." Your father added. "Mhm, that's great. And what do you think about The Bad Guys?" Tiffany asked. "To be honest, I like them by the moment when we met. Each of them has their own part of the crew. Like Ms. Tarantula, was it?" Your Mother said. "She has eight to hack that she come across." "I like the Piranha, he's on for craziness." Y/F/N said. "It seems like they're here right now." They turn around and saw the black convertible with The Bad Guys and the Governor.

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