Chapter 7: The Final Battle

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Narrator POV

The Bad Guys were being taken to a prison far off from the city and in the ocean. But none of them won't even say anything since they've seen their good friend was shot with their own eyes. Wolf was probably the quietest were about to ask him about your relationship with him and now, he felt empty inside. After they all put on their orange suits, Wolf went into one of the empty cells and flopped on the bed without saying a word. His buddies look at each other before Snake slither towards him. "Hey, uh, Wolf? Are you okay?" He asked.

"Just say what you need to say, Snake. We know that all of this was stupid in the first place." Wolf groaned through the bed. "What? No, it's not that. *mutters* Well, some of it was." Snake muttered. "It's just that...when we met Y/N, she said that we're kinda like her family before her know. But you and her were close together and I want to know why?" He looked at his bud then at the others. "Alright, you guys want to know why? It's because when we first saw her during one of our old heists, I felt some other tingle than the good tingle." He said.

"My heart was rushing, my body started to shake, my eyes won't get off of her but most importantly, it felt like she was always by my side like how you guys do it. And it feels" "Love." They looked at Tarantula and asked "What was that, Webs?" "It's that thing called Love, Wolf. It's what happens when someone finds their mate and when somebody has some things in common. You're in love, Wolf!" She exclaimed. 'Huh, it's "love" that I'm feeling after all this time.' Wolf thought.

The moment was cut off when a male guard falls from out of nowhere, having . "What the heck happened to you?" Shark asked. "Tell that to them." He pointed at three figures standing on the railing then jumped and landed on the floor, looking at The Bad Guys.

Mr. Wolf POV

This day just gets more and more strange and confusing for us. Two guards came from two doors and ran towards the three. One of them kicked the guard by the leg and launched him into the cell. The second one dodges the attacks from the guards then they punch them in the stomach, I look at Snake in shock and he was shocked too. I look back at the person then they jump and kick them in the face, sending them flying until they hit an iron wall. But I think it also knocks them out completely. We were completely in shock as we stared at them. Then the third one grabs the guards by his tie and kicks him in the face multiple times before kicking him into the cell.

They started walking towards us before the middle one took off their mask, revealing Diane Foxington herself with a smirk. "What the...Diane? Hold on, wait a second." " do you know how to do all that kick-kick and punch-punch stuff?" Piranha asked. "Wait a minute, you're the Crimson Paw?!" I exclaimed. "The Queen of Cons, Acrobatic Swiss Army Knife, stole the Zumpango Diamond twice - once for profit and second - for fun. Never identified, never caught." I said. "Looks like I'm still the best and baddest guy in the world, Huh? But I'm not the only one though!"

She turned her direction to the other figures. The first one takes off her mask to reveal a female F/A like Y/N with futuristic sunglasses with codes on it. "Who are you?" I asked, then I heard Webs gasp loudly. "OH. MY. LEGS! YOU'RE THE CYBER HACKER ASSASSIN!" She shouted excitedly. "You know her, Webs?" Snake asked. "If I know her?! She's one of the top hackers in the world! She can get through any type of firewall from any type of country, she also stole a clip from Area 51 and secretly, I heard that the government even asked her to help to get through the Russian system to access their secrets." She said,

"Wow, it seems like someone's a fan." Y/M/N said. "You have no idea how long I've wanted to meet you in person!" Webs exclaimed. "Yeah, but my husband hasn't even introduced it to you guys." She said, I look at the second, they took off their mask and revealed another F/A and has a large scar on his right eye. Now, Piranha let out a huge gasp. "Let me guess. You know him too?" I asked. "Oh, ho! I know well enough! He's called The Fearsome Savage Psychopath! Or my hometown, we call him the "Temible psicôpata salvaje"." He said.

In Love with a Criminal ~ The Bad Guys (Mr. Wolf x Fem! Animal! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now