ep. 6 Welcome to Jurassic World

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Ok, a couple things before we start. First I wasn't happy with how (y/n) was being presented so I went back and changed some things. For example, I took out some of the weird swearing rants that were there for no reason. You don't have to go back and read them if you don't want to, it's not that important. The character I'm trying to portray is one with an "I don't give a shit anymore" attitude but he will still fight for people he cares about. But at the same time, he's still a teenager and has some chilly moments. Anyway, I'm gonna try to write more like that from now on. The second thing is, who was that teaser for season 5? It looks good. It gives me hope for the series after the dumpster fire that was season 4. Kinda sad that it's gonna be the final season. I feel like they need season 6 to tell a completely satisfying story. I spent like an hour writing down everything I noticed and all my theories in doc after the teaser dropped because I'm a nerd. My only fear is that Kenji has split from the group a lot in the teaser which means there's less time for the season to break Kenji and Brooklynn up. The reason I want to break them up is that first off, I hate the relationship. It's just so freaking forced. And second is if they don't break them up in the series then I'm gonna have to do it while writing this. Anyway, I'm rambling. Tell me what you think of the teaser. Remember to eat some waffles and to tell your mom you love her. Enjoy this chapter.

"We have an update on the body found in downtown LA this morning. Authorities confirmed the body to be 43-year-old Grant (L/N). Grant was a former amateur MMA fighter with the LA MMA League who was caught up in a drug scandal last year resulting in a life ban from the sport. Authorities suspect that the death was most likely the result of an overdose. We give our thoughts and prayers to the fam-" My mother turned off the TV and looked at me with sadness.

I sat on the couch with my legs hugged tightly to my chest, my dinosaur figurines all over the table. I wouldn't meet my mother's eye. I wouldn't show my weakness to her. She walked over to me and sat next to me, wrapping her arms around me and hugging me close to her chest. I wept into her shoulder. I cried and cried. She had tears running down her face too. We sat there holding on to each other, absorbed by our grief and we cried.


I woke up on the floor of the car. My head hurt like hell. The skin on my cheekbone was split open with blood running down my face.

"Fuck..." I said sitting up

"Is everyone okay?" Darius asked.

"Is everyone...?" Yaz started, then chuckled sadly, sounding like she was on the verge of tears. She opened the door and stormed out, slamming the door behind her.

"Yaz, wait!" Sammy said.

"Sammy... don't-" I said then gave up as she got out and went after her. I sighed.

"(y/n) your head!" Brooklyn said concerned.

"I'm fine." I sated

"No, you're not. You need at least a bandage." She insisted.

"If you find one then be my guest," I said

They opened the back door for me. I scooted out, putting my feet on the ground, and stood up shakily. I regained my balance and then looked around at where we were: in the middle of the jungle, as usual.

"We're not okay!" Yaz yelled storming away from Sammy.

"Yaz-" Sammy started.

"We're in the middle of a jungle with a monster dinosaur out there, and you..." She was so hurt she couldn't even find words to convey it, "You..."

"Destroyed our only way to get help and lied about it! I told you guys!" Brooklyn said angrily.

"So, you did take their phones? Why? What were you doing?" Darius asked

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