Epilogue ep. 2 Stargazer

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There are so many "pause" moments in this chapter. Please feel free to out me in the comments.

6 Months Later

POV: Camera

"It's currently a little before 5:00 am. I am at (y/n)'s house. And we're gonna give him a nice wake-up call." Johnny said, walking up the driveway of (y/n)'s humble abode.

He knocked on the door which was answered by (y/n)'s mother.

"Morning, Johnny. He's still asleep." She said, "You'd think he'd be awake bright and early."

"(y/n)'s always been a sleepy boy. I'll go get him."

"Don't let him lollygag. I don't want to leave that poor girl waiting."

"Yes, ma'am."

Johnny walked into (y/n)'s room to find him sleeping, shirtless.

"Hey, (y/n)!" he shouted.

(y/n) opened his eyes groggily.

"What the fuck." He groaned

"Guess what time it is."

(y/n) rolled over and picked up the electronic clock on his side table. He read the time, glared at the camera, and tossed the clock across the room before putting a pillow over his head.

"You're girl's waiting."

"I know..." He groaned.

"You want Starbucks?"


"Let's get moving man."

He dragged himself out of the bed, shirtless. "Turn the fucking camera off," he said.


(y/n) sat in the driver's seat of his car, wearing sunglasses, a hoodie with his logo, and sweatpants.

Johnny, holding the camera, sat in the passenger seat filming. "So, where are we going, (y/n)?"

"Well, Brooklynn's coming and she took a red-eye so she could spend as much time with me as possible. So, I get to wake up early and pick her up for LAX at 6am. Lucky me."

"He's really excited," Johnny said.

"I actually am though," I said. "Like, I act annoyed but all I've been thinking about for six months is seeing her again. Obviously, we're filming this before the stream... which is kinda dumb, right? Why are we doing a stream to announce something most of the internet already thinks is going on?"

"Cus Brooklynn said so." Johnny reminded me.

"Yeah... She thinks it's cute. But, yes, Brooklynn and I are dating and she's visiting for a week and a half. We're going to do many stupid things so remember to subscribe and hit the bell to see all our shenanigans. I know I don't post or stream a lot anymore but I felt like it would be good to document this stuff. Anyway, see y'all at the airport."


"Okay, we may have stopped at an In-N-Out." (y/n) said, continuing to drive while stuffing animal fires in his mouth.

"We need that energy," Johnny said.

"We need that fucking energy!"


"Welcome to LAX, everyone. The worst driving experience you will ever have." (y/n) said, "Somehow I've managed to find a parking spot so... let's go inside.

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