s. 5 ep. 4 Evasive Action

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I leaned against the wall of the nursery, arms crossed, rolling my neck every once in a while to stay loose. I hadn't said a word since Kenji left. No one had. Except for Yaz who'd been counting her push-ups and was now midway through sit-ups.

"47, 48..." She grunted.

To my left, Darius was staring at the large screen I had my back to. It showed a city skyline and a clock on the screen. I had already figured out what Darius was doing a while ago and didn't want to disturb him. Ben was sharpening a bone, Sammy was fidgeting and biting her nails, and Brooklynn... Well, shortly after Kenji's departure she slid down the glass wall, hugged her knees close to her chest, and stared sorrowfully at the cold, unsympathetic floor.

"He left us." She suddenly said, almost too quiet to be heard.

Yaz stopped her workout and sat up to listen to Brooklynn with Ben and Sammy.

"I can't believe he just... left us," Brooklynn repeated, sinking her head into her arms.

Sammy scooted closer to her and put a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"I don't get it." She said with a hoarse voice like she was on the verge of tears. She unfolded her arms and legs and looked around desperately for an answer. An answer that no matter how good she was at finding them, she wouldn't find here.

"Why would Kenji do this?" Yaz asked.

Ben sighed. "You think you know a guy."

"Yeah, what you all said," Sammy said, a little uncertain. She looked over to Darius. "What do you think Dar-"

"Hey," I warned. "Stop."

"I was just askin-"

Darius held up his hand, cutting her off. "Four, three, two, one," he said then looked over to the airlock as a BRAD-X walked in.

It scanned the nursery and stated, "All accounted for." before turning and leaving.

"How much time we got, D?" I asked

"Half an hour." He reported.

"Let's move people. We have 30 minutes to find a way out." I said, walking over to the two locked electrical boxes on the wall and looking around.

The others stood, shaking off whatever was bothering each of them, and began poking around the nursery for escape options.

POV: Kenji

"Never thought I'd be back here," I said, stepping off the seaplane onto Isla Nublar. The familiar humidity washed over me and the sounds of jungle insects buzzed loudly. I saw a couple of Brachiosaurs poking their heads above the jungle, feasting on the leaves of the tall trees. Their groaning bellows echoed over the dock which was once the ever-busy arrival gate for Jurassic World.

"Wow," Mae said, stepping off the plane. "Never thought I'd ever be here." She said, looking up at the jungle-choked hill. A smile crept across her face as a group of Pterodactyls flew over the trees. Then, just as quickly as it appeared, her smile dropped as her gaze fell on my dad who was waiting at the other end of the dock.

The investor, Ms. Molina as she'd been introduced to me, pushed past her and walked towards my dad, looking down at her phone, probably messaging her contact.

Mae sighed and followed.

I quickly followed as well. Before hearing a distant roar. My nerves had been jittery the whole ride over her. Lots of bad memories. "Uh, Dad," I called, worried. "I don't think this is such a good idea. Last time I checked, the penthouse was 1,000 percent dino-infested."

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