s. 4 ep. 2 At Least...

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It took a while but the storm passed. We had decided to sleep in shifts that night but after Yaz woke me up for mine I just stayed awake. Brooklynn would've been next but I let her sleep. My head was buzzing as I stressed over what happened over the last week. It had all gone by so fast. I kept catching myself watching Brooklynn which, first off, was incredibly creepy, and second wasn't solving any of my problems. I wanted to talk to her so bad but she didn't seem to feel the same. We were always with someone else and she intentionally made it so we'd never be alone together. She was smart which made me hate her and like her even more.

The sun rose eventually and I woke everyone up. After helping Yaz to her feet I saw Brooklynn waiting for a hand up so I made my way over to her but before I could offer a hand, Kenji appeared with a "Mornin'" and a cheeky smile to which Brooklynn smiled back and let herself get pulled to her feet. They brushed past me, chatting to each other as I glared daggers at the wall. Maybe it was just me being paranoid, but Kenji seemed to be spending a lot more time talking with Brooklynn. Too much time for my liking.

It's not like she's your girlfriend, asshole. A voice in my head told me. She can talk to whoever she wants.

I walked out of the cave into a glaring sun which hurt my eyes. As my eyes adjusted I looked across the vast expanse of desert that now stood in front of us.

"Oh, what the fuck?" I grumbled.

"Okay, so... definitely not Costa Rica," Brooklynn reported.

I showed immense self-control and refrained from saying, "No shit."

The blazing sun was already hot as hell even though it was morning and I began to roll up my hoodie sleeves.

"It looks more like..." Darius started

"Australia." I finished, "But there's no way in hell we went that far. Unless Kenji is really that bad at navigating."

Kenji then proceeded to put his hand on Darius's face.

"Kenji, what are you doing?" Darius asked

"Making sure we're not dead." He replied

"What?" I said, utterly confused

"'Cause if we're dead, we'd be ghosts, and if we're ghosts, I'd be able to, like... Oooooo, go through you." Kenji said

"We're not dead!" Darius exclaimed, slapping his hand away and walking down the slope.

"Well, now you know. You're welcome." Kenji said, before following

"Jesus Christ," I said, face palming and following as well.

"So, we know where we aren't," Brooklynn said. "Any idea where we are?"

"Nope," Yaz said.

We turned to look at her and saw her depressingly sitting on a rock.

"Just that we're stranded. And alone. Again." She finished

"That's what I'm saying, man. Like, what the fuck, universe?" I muttered.

"We just gotta assess the situation," Darius said.

"Hey, hey, guys! Look at that!" Ben said "Over there in the distance. Something shiny!"

We looked out across the desert and sure enough, something was reflecting light toward us.

"I see it!" Sammy said, "Looks like the sun is glinting off some sort of metal thingy?"

"Something metal could mean someone had to make it." Said Ben, "We gotta go check it out."

"Hang on." Kenji interrupted, "You wanna go walking across a blazing hot desert just because you saw something shiny?"

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