s. 4 ep. 6 Mission Critical

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We sat gathered around Mae in our little cave. We'd been on edge for the last few hours with BRADs and drones searching for us. Mae hadn't gotten much better during that time and we were starting to fear that without a medical facility she wouldn't last much longer. Not to mention we were all sleep deprived and cranky. Well, mostly I was cranky. The others could be described as miffed, annoyed, or even frustrated. I was fucking pissed though.

"She's asleep," Sammy whispered as she checked on Mae. "The leaves we put on her wounds stopped the bleeding, but I don't know how long that's gonna last."

"We gotta get her some medicine somehow," I said

"Ben says Kash has a phone," Yaz reported.

Ben had been on lookout duty and had eavesdropped on Kash in the jungle.

"Let's get it, call for help, and get out of here." Yaz continued.

"Guys. Let's just go with that. If we get into another argument about a phone..." I started.

"But what about the dinosaurs?" Darius asked.

"Holly shit," I growled.

"Now that Mae's injured, if we leave, who's gonna protect them?" Darius asked.

"The fucking police, or the military, or fucking coast guard for all I care! PETA might even get involved, I don't know." I said, exasperated.

"Darius, look at her. She needs help." Yaz said, calmly, gesturing to Mae. "Our only choice is that phone."

Mae made a painful yelp in her sleep, causing Sammy and Yaz to check on her with worry.

"Those leaves aren't exactly sterile," Ben said. "We're running out of time. Let's split up and try to find Kash."

Kenji sighed. "Small problem. We don't know where he went." Kenji said

Suddenly a faint green light shone over the forest.

"Everyone down!" I whispered.

Two BRADs stalked up to the cave and scanned around. We pressed against the rocks, praying that they wouldn't search the cave. Just when it seemed we were gonna get caught, the BRAD stopped.

"New orders received." The BRADs said, hurrying away.

I peeked over the rock. "Orders ex Machina," I said.

"Are they gone?" Brooklyn asked, pulling herself to her feet with the help of my sleeve.

"Yeah," I said, shrugging her off and walking to the others.

"One of them could be headed to Kash," Yaz said.

"You guys go," Ben said. "I think there was a first aid kit in the snow gliders. I'll get Mae patched up."

"Okay," Yaz said, looking around at everyone. "Brooklynn, (y/n), you're with me." She said,

I deadpanned at her blatancy.

She ignored me.

"Alright. Kenji, Sammy, with me." Darius said.

As we followed the BRAD Brooklynn took the lead. Me and Yaz trailed behind.

Yaz came up beside me and nudged me to get my attention.

I looked over and she gestured towards Brooklynn, except she wasn't her usual pushy, excited self. It seemed more like a suggestion than a forced attempt. I shook my head. "Not a good time." I mouthed.

She nodded with a small smile then continued forward at a brisk pace.

Eventually, we found the BRAD and began sneaking up behind it. Yaz seemed distracted by her own thoughts though.

If Only We Knew - Camp Cretaceous - (Brooklynn x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now