s. 2 ep. 8 Chaos Theory

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"We still can't hear you!" Brooklyn said, to remind the audience of what happened in the last episode. "Just start hitting buttons."

"How the hell are we gonna stop the guys with guns?" I asked.

"Don't get shot?" Kenji asked

I deadpanned.

"Guys, what's Darius saying now?" Ben asked.

We stared for a second. Sammy seemed to be questioning Darius about something.

I did my best to read his lips. "This is my fault.", "I showed them.", "didn't listen to Brooklynn.", "because of me."

"That dumbass is gonna try and go it alone," I said.

"What?" Brooklynn asked.

"Where's this damn speaker butto-" I started to say, that's when I spotted it, a volume knob. I turned it up and Darius's voice came through the speaker.

"I promised you all that I'd get you home. And I... I already lost Ben." Darius said.

"Darius, that's not your fault," Sammy said.

"Mitch said their boat is at the northwest dock. Get everyone together and get off the island now while Mitch and Tiff are busy."

"What about you?"

"I have to make this right."

Ben stepped forward and spoke into the mic. "We got your back, Darius! Forget the boat. Mitch and Tiff are going down!"

"Ben?" Darius exclaimed,

"You're alive?" Sammy added.

"Our bad should have mentioned that," I said quickly into the mic.

"Also (y/n) found the sound button, so we can hear you." Ben continued. "And I defeated Toro." He added.

Bumpy grunted behind us.

"Bumpy also says hi."

The two just sat on the screen, shocked.

"I think I broke them," Ben said.

Yaz pushed Ben out of the way, "Yeah, Ben's alive, we're very happy about it."

Brooklynn pushed them both out of the way, "Point is we're not going to let you do this alone. We're in."

"You don't get it. You guys could get to the boat, save yourselves." Darius said.

"We could do that," I said. "But we won't because 1: I don't think you can stop them by yourself, 2: I wanna get some punches in on those two tweedle dipshits, and 3: We're a team. We stick together. No man left behind."

"We're not letting Mitch and Tiff kill dinosaurs," Brooklynn added.

"I never liked those two anyway," Kenji added.

"That's a lie," I said.

"It's dino-savin' time! Camp fam for life!" Sammy said.

"Okay, now that we've established lifelong camp family status, how do we stop them?" Yaz asked.

"Feed both of them to the Mosasaurs!" Ben said enthusiastically.

We all gave him weird looks.

"Forgot to mention, Ben has gone Tarzan crazy," I said into the mic.

"Really feels like we're not getting our full use out of the Mosasaurs, guys," Ben whined.

"Wait, if they're going to the watering hole to kill dinosaurs..." Brooklynn started.

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