Opening up

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Concept: Natasha appears on a late night talk show. And some how the nosy host  found out one of the secrets she had been trying so hard to keep

Word count:
A/n: Evan is not an oc I literally just thought of a extremely basic name and it was the first that came to mind

Natasha wasn't usually keen of doing TV promoted interviews but she was the only avenger who hadn't appeared as her self on tv since her trial a few years back in 2014. Her hate for them was partly from that but also because she was a spy and the less the general public knew the better.  Every detail of her that was known to the public was one more thing the world could use against her.  She took this so far as to not to tell anyone she had a sister or a family. The only person that knew that was Clint or for a while he was. She did it to protect those close to her because they were not only the strongest part of her like all spy's they were her biggest weakness.

''So Miss Romanoff since the last time we spoke some things have changed. You are no longer single we hear, Who is the lucky Batchelor?" The Tv host said clasping his hands and palcing them on the desk in front of him. Natasha sat next to him in an over stuffed leather lounge chair. she was wearing a red turtlenecked tanktop and black slacks. Her shoulder length brassy hair was pinned away from her face in a low bun. She brushed the stray hairs out of her face before turning to the reporter

"You were right about half of it  Evan.  The thing is there is no lucky bachelor.. but a bachelorette. You have met her" she said trying to hold back a smile as she looked off stage to Wanda her Girlfriend who shot her a suportive thumbs up.

"I well that comes as a shock... who is this mystery girl Ms. Romanoff. And let's just hope this relation ship lasts longer than your one with Dr. Bruce Banner"
"Well if you insist. The Girl ... well Woman," she paused for a second looking back up at Wanda who winked at her. This would be the moment there relationship went public. Nat knew she was putting Wanda at risk but she was tired of hiding Her love for her she was ready for the world to see her true self. The real Natasha Romanoff.
She took a deep breath looked Wanda dead in the eyes from across the stage smiling  and said " The Woman I love and have for a long time is Wanda Maximoff" the crowd buzzed with chatter every one was in shock. Until that moment no one knew she was willing to date after the flop that was her last relationship let alone the fact that she had liked women.
The host turned to the crowd
"Well everyone you heard it here and now folks" Evan paused and turned back to Natasha " how long have you and Maximoff been a thing? We know you had a rocky run in with her magic a year  ago did that make it difficult?" he pressed as leaned further over his desk in anticipation hoping to get something from his redheaded guest.  Natasha rolled her eyes.

Of course she got the relationship related questions. Being on of the first female super hero's in a team full of men pretty much summed it up. Most people assumed and up until five minutes ago anticipated her announcement of dating Steve Rodgers

"Wanda and I have been together officially for 7 months. After losing her her family as a child and then losing her brother she didn't have any one left  she was broken and it hurt to see her like that. So I  stepped in when no one else bothered and a few of my fellow avengers saw her as a threat.  I saw her as a girl who needed someone to she her as just that. a human not a weapon and i guess I needed her too because she is the light of my life..." She looked back at Wanda who was burying her face in her hands. Even with the burning lights of the stage she could tell that she was blushing and trying to hide her smile. 

The host interrupted quickly pulling Nats attention away from her girlfriend and back to reality  "from what I hear she is with you to day is she not" Natasha nodded excitedly "yes she is. has been standing just off stage being the loving little menace that she is the crew should keep an eye on her because she will steal all the oatmeal raisin cookies" she chuckled se saw Wanda nearly fell over laughing at that comment her face turning brighter red than before. Wanda knew Nat wasn't even lying, she had taken at least four already .

"Well she is welcome to join us if she likes." Wanda practically ran on the stage straight to Natasha who stood up and took the witch in her arms before sitting on the edge of the chair to allow room for Wanda to sit  " miss maximoff we would love to here your side of the story what is it like to date the infamous Black Widow?" Evan asked now addressing Wanda who was wearing Natasha's red leather jacket and black skirt she had borrowed from her girlfriend.

She looked at Nat and then back at Evan then back at Nat who's hand she had a tight grip on. She found herself instinctually running her thumb and fingers along the scars and lines that scattered themselves across it.
"I couldn't begin to explain it because there aren't enough words to describe how much I love her. She was the first person well her and Clint were the first people to see me as an equal not an enemy and when it came to grief she never left my side.  When the others saw me as a weapon or the villain she saw me as who I was. I joke and say it's because I can cook and she is a fire hazard in the kitchen.  Dating her is like a story straight out of the sitcoms that basically raised me, there isn't a moment that I am filled with butterflies. She is literally everything someone could want in a girlfriend" she said. When she finished she felt Natasha's grip tighten around her as Natasha pulled her hand close and give it a kiss. And looked at her and mouthed to her.  "Oh Wanda. I love you darling"  Wanda responded "I love you more, angel" 

Natasha felt her cheeks flush there was something that she loved about terms of endearment that are considered lost to the ages. She wanted to kiss her right there on Television in front of everyone. There secret was out so why hide it. But she knew if she kissed her she wouldn't be able to stop. She loved  the way Wanda made her feel. She could listen to her talk all day and never bore of her subtle Sokovian accent and the way it was most prominent in the mornings when she was fighting sleep.

"So who fell first" He asked pulling both girls from there trance the looked back at each other and back at him. " it was Wanda, we were at one of Starks parties and I was running the bar , Steve doesn't drink banner was gone as with Thor and he has never liked Clint for an unknown reason, so me it was and she came up to me and asked for the cutest thing ever.  This 25 year old asks for a Shirley Temple.." Wanda punches her in the arm partly because she didn't need the world knowing that up until a few weeks ago she has never drank anything remotely alcoholic.
"I gave her a ton of shit for it and playfully picked on her, and it turned to flirting. And she just let it slip that she liked me and the rest is history" nat said rubbing her sore shoulder.

"Well there you have it folks The Widow and The Witch. I surly didn't see it coming"

The interview came to a close and for the first time Natasha and Wanda walked shamelessly hand in hand. When they got back to Wanda's red convertible. Natasha couldn't help but kiss her.  She has forced her self not to the entire time they were on camera. That was one thing she didn't need the world to see quite yet.  It was something that she wanted for just her and Wanda. 

Something they had that was a just for them.  She felt good about sharing this secret, she thought it would be bad letting her softer side show. 

When the kiss broke she took Wanda's had and held it to her heart. "Thank you for coming with me today darling. I love you more than words could explain what would I have done with out you" She said looking at her girlfriend  in the drivers seat.  Wanda buried herself into the turtle neck of her turtle neck sweater staining the cream coloured yarn with her berry red lipstick.  "Nat, love I wouldn't be here with out you. Now let's go before I become so blinded by love I accidentally drive us off the highway." Nat chucked still holding tightly to Wanda's hand
She for the first time had the luxury of bliss and the ability to love shamelessly. It was a feeling she never wanted to lose. A feeling that she had only ever felt with Wanda. That only grew stronger after finally opening up.

A/N: Hey YALL sorry for the lack of posting. My brain desire to smack me with a beautiful thing know as writers block. And then I left for summer camp. I may be a little slow or story's may be shorter as I am leaving for camping.
I am also working on a Blackhill one shot collection. Also peep my original idea for the title in the last few paragraphs.
Any ways thank you billions for the 1k reads and all the votes YALL keep me motivated to keep writing.
Love u 3000
Laters gators

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